Rescued, maybe

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"He should show anytime now, its almost time for me to take you back."

Moriarty has me in an alleyway, playing some kind of game with me. Everytime my cell goes off, he drags the blade through my flesh. His smile is the most terrifying part of this, never wavering as he does everything.

"Sherlock again, that's another."

He presses the blade into my arm, cutting deep. I bite my lip to avoid yelling in pain, he dosent like that either.

"Ten more minutes. Your time is running short."

I look around, trying to find the entrance through the jumble of rubbish that litters the cement. I hear it before he does, a faint sound. Definately Sherlock.


"Anything and I'll kill you both."

I remain silent, letting the tears fall from my eyes. He laughs, looking around excitedly.

"Sherlock is almost here. Five minutes."

His head appears above the rubbish that is hiding us from the view of the sidewalk.


He runs over, yelling something at Moriarty. Much to my surprise, he hands Sherlock the knife. I wince as he accidentally cuts into my wrist, releasing my breath when my hands spring apart finally.

"You passed the first test, how about the second?"

He plucks the knife out of Sherlocks hands, humming as he walks out of the alley. Sherlock grabs my phone off the ground, handing it to me before sprinting after Moriarty. My legs are shaky, by the time I am able to get up they have disappeared from my sight. I try to run, but am tripped by a mangled piece of rubbish.

"Sherlock! Come back! Please."

I call Mycroft, yelling at him to hurry over. He arrives shortly after, Greg, Molly, Mrs. Hudson, and my mum also spilling out of the car.

"Where is Sherlock?"


"Damn it John! Where is he?"

I flinch as Mycroft yells at me, pissed I let them get away. My mum checks on me, hugging me when she realizes how bad the situation is.

"We need to get him to the hospital."

"No. I'm not going until we find Sherlock."

Mum gives up trying eventually, going home at the request of Mycroft. Only mum and Mrs. Hudson are sent home, hopping into the cab Mycroft calls for them.

"What did he do to you?"

"Dosent matter right now, worry about Sherlock. They went this way."

Everyone follows me out the back way, Molly helping me walk. I twisted my ankle when I tripped, possible sprain. I hear someone yelling not to far away, Sherlock.

"He's over here. Hurry up!"

Molly lets me run ahead as best I can, still reaching them before the rest of the group does. Moriarty has Sherlock pressed against the wall, already well on his way to being high. I wince as I watch him press against Sherlock, who is trying to offset Moriarty. I can't move until Sherlock catches my eye, suddenly springing into action. He sprints off before I reach them, neither one of us chase after him this time.


"Yeah. I'm here. Its okay."

"Oh my God! Sherlock!"

Everyone else spills into the small space, backing off when both Mycroft and I yell at them. Another cab is called for Molly and Greg, Mycroft drives us to the hospital in his car. Mostly small injuries, though my ankle hurts horribly. Sherlock is under close supervision, no one is sure how he's going to do after this. They let him out after he comes down from the high, immediately running over to me. Mycroft takes us home, set on staying a few more nights. Our cells all go off at the same time, Mycroft takes ours before we can see the messages. He reads then deletes them, handing us our cells back.

"To to sleep you two, ill let Mrs. Hudson know you are okay."

I lead a tired Sherlock off to bed, him curling against me as soon as we lie down. He lets me hold him, something he hasnt done since Moriarty came back, and falls asleep quickly. I kiss his neck softly before I pass out. He wakes a few times randomly, sobbing, but calms when he sees that I am still here.


"I'm up."

"What did he do? I don't remember much. Just seeing you there."

"Drugs again. You where high, and he had you pinned so you couldnt move. I stepped in before you got hurt."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Ill tell you what happened in the morning Sherlock, you need sleep."

"I guess."

He kisses me before rolling back over to sleep. This must be the most sleep he's gotten in a week, probably hasnt eaten either.

"I love you Sherlock."

"I love you too."

I stay up for another hour, too keyed up to sleep. Sherlock rolls over at some point and rests his head against my chest, shaking slightly. I wrap my arms around him before I pass out, a reminder everything is okay.

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