Panic (part 2)

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POV- John

Sherlock came into my room a few hours ago, not saying anything. I dont know whats going on, but he is having another panic attack. The shaking hasn't fully stopped since he got here, but has gotten worse every time I move. He needs help, help I probably cant give him. I'm not sure why he came to me, but I'm glad he came here instead of whatever else he may have done. I get a message on my cell, so I carefuly sit up and lay Sherlock across my lap.

How is he doing?- MH

Sleeping. What the hell did you do?- JW

Checked on him like you asked, caught him about to do morphine again.- MH

He showed up in my room and woke me up Mycroft, obviously it was more than that.- JW

We got in a fight, just please keep an eye on him for me.- MH

Of course.- JW

Thank you. Tell him to message me when he wakes up, I need to talk to him.- MH

Sure.- JW

Mycroft leaves again, his status bar going offline. I get another message a few minutes later, this one from a strange number. I open the message and nearly drop my cell.

How is Sherlock Mr. Watson?- JM

Who the hell is this?- JW

I think you know who I am. I believe we met this morning.- JM

What do you want?- JW

Isn't it obvious?- JM

No.- JW

You two seem to say that to me a lot. I hope that isnt your answer to my next offer Mr. Watson.- JM

What offer?- JW

Not time yet.- JM

What the hell? This is bloody rubbish.- JW

Tell Sherlock to check his cell, I'm sure he will be very pleased with my surprise for him.-JM

He's sleeping.- JW

And?- JM

Fine.- JW

"Sherlock, hey. Wake up."

Sherlock wakes up, still panicked, but is silent.


"Someone is texting me, they said to check your cell."

He grabs my phone from me, hands shaking as he reads the number. I look over his shoulder and read the final message.

Check your phone Sherlock. I know you are awake.- JM

"Sherlock? Who is this?"

"The Irishman from the park."

"And how the hell did he get my bloody number?"

"He always gets what he wants."

Sherlock turns away from my cell, pulling his from his jeans pocket. I can't see the screen from here, but I know whatever it is must be bad. His face pales, looking sick in the glow of his cell.

"Hey, whats wrong?"

I look over his shoulder and read the upcoming messages.

Good morning Sherlock. I believe I have something of interest to you.- JM

No.- SH

I have more to replace what your brother took.- JM

I can't.- SH

But you want to.- JM

Sherlock is yelling now, thankfully mum has already left for work. He is screaming at whoever sits on the other end, I cant tell if he is mad or scared. Looks to be an even mix of both. I grab him and pull his head to my chest again, trying to steady myself as well. His breathing evens out and he starts sobbing into my chest, upset by whatever mind game he is in. I grab my cell, seeing that I have new messages.

Is he awake yet?- MH

Not a good time Mycroft.- JW

What happened?- MH

He isnt doing much better.- JW

Text me when he is.- MH

I will.- JW



"Make him stop. Please."


He goes silent, body shaking worse with every passing second. I need to calm him down. He curls into a ball, rocking himself back and forth on the bed. Something about this calms him, so I pull him back to me and rock him in my arms. He finally quiets, stops shaking. I let him fall asleep, getting up when I'm sure he wont wake back up. Mum is in the kitchen, much to my surprise.

"Is he okay?"

"I hope so."

"I can't take the day off of work today John, I'm just waiting for Mycroft to come pick him up."

"I can stay with him mum, if you need to go to work."

Sherlock stumbles into the kitchen silently, walking over when I hold out my arms to him.

"You're okay Sherlock. I promise."

"Don't leave me. Please."

"I won't."

Mum comes over and hugs both of us, whispering something to Sherlock before breaking away.

"I'll be back late tonight, please be careful."

"We will. Thank you mum."

"I love you boys."

"You too mum."

She leaves in a hurry, locking the door behind her. My cell rings, I'm getting a call. I answer it to find Mycroft on the other end.

"Can I talk to him, please?"

Sherlock turns to me, immidiately saying no.

"Sherlock! Please, he just wants to talk to you."


"He said no."

"Please John, I just need to hear his voice. To make sure he is okay."


Sherlock gives in, taking the phone from me. I cant hear anything from the other end of the line, only able to watch Sherlocks reactions.

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