The Pirate Game

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I open my eyes suddenly, feeling John shift behind me.

"Go back to sleep Little Otter."

He kisses my neck, snuggling closer to me before relaxing. My mind wanders, bringing the pain into sharp focus. I struggle to return to my mind palace, needing an escape without waking John. He doesn't stir when I roll off the couch, moving to the armchair instead. It doesn't take long to enter my mind palace, just a few moments of concentration. I visit my favorite places, mostly my tree with Redbeard. There is one memory I travel back to specifically though, one of Mycroft and me.

It was the middle of summer, father away on a few months of business. We were playing at the park, me only about five. Mycroft would have been about twelve at the time. We where playing a game of pretend, the playground became our pirate ship. It was the day Mycroft gave me my coat, the one I still wear when I'm missing him.

"I'm the captain! Take the ship around port side Mycroft!"

We stayed at the park for hours, searching for the "treasure" Mycroft swore was hidden somewhere for me. I finally found it, a white box hidden in the bushes. He smiled warmly down at me, he smiled a lot back then, and encouraged me to open it. I tore the top off, excited as he was to see what was in the box. Mycroft sat by my side, laughing when I tried it on. He had gotten me a very oversized black trench coat. I practically drowned in the fabric, engulfed entirely. We sat laughing together for quite a while before resuming out game of pirates. I ran around in that coat for the rest of the night, only taking it off for dinner at mother's request. She was happy that we had found something to do for the summer, smiling as I re-animated our day to her.

"Sherlock? Can you hear me?"

Someone is shaking me, pulling me from my mind palace. Mycroft runs in seconds later, shouting at John to leave me alone.

"What was that? Are you high again?"

John is looking at me with concern, turning to Mycroft as he explains my mind palace to him. I pretty much tune them out, disapointed to be back on the pain of the real world.

"Sherlock? Where did you go this time? You had quite the smile on your face."

"The pirate game. When we where small."

He chuckles, further confusing John.

"What is going on?"

I turn to John and explain as much as I can and, much to our relief, he seems to understand enough. Mycroft leaves for work, reminding us not to answer the door to anyone this time.

"Are you still on that case?"

"Sadly, no. Stupid rubbish, this fight with father. Ruined my chances of going anywhere to help."

"Could do something else today."

"Like what my Hedgehog?"

"Exactly that. We have a whole free day today, and you are supposed to be resting."

I sigh as he pushes me onto the couch, avoiding my injured arm, and sits beside me. I do enjoy it, John being pressed against me like this. His lips find mine quickly, pulling me to him. He deepens the kiss, tipping his head back. I am able to ignore the pain enough to enjoy this, the rare moment we are completely alone. The bruises that are scattered across my body throb as we press our bodies closer together, reminding me exactly where fathers shoes sunk into my flesh. I ignore this as much as I can, pinning John to the couch. He wraps his arms around me again, shifting so he sits on my lap. My hands shake, the room is cold. John pushes me backwards again, making me lie down fully. We lie tangled together all day, kissing each other between naps. He finds that I enjoy it when he kisses along my ear, teasing me with it now.

"You like that, don't you my Otter?"

"Of course."

He cuts me off, again pressing our lips together. My arm gets pinned between us, shooting pain through my body again. John notices this when I push him away, whimpering in pain.

"Sorry. I'm rubbish at this."

He pulls the bottle of pain meds from his pocket, giving me one. When he leaves to get me a glass, I dry swallow two of the pills I have saved in my pockets.


I take the glass, swallowing the third pill. John doesn't suspect anything, instead allowing me to pull us back together. We spend most of the day like this, John in my lap, kissing each other. He knows I am enjoying it, apologizing when we have to break apart. We fall asleep together, not waking until Mycroft gets home. The pain from my arm is gone, no doubt because I took a few extra pills.

"What did you two do all day?"

Mycroft smiles knowingly, smirking at me. John sits up, pulling me up as well.

"I'm going to start dinner, what have you eaten today?"

We look at each other, sharing a smile before I explain that we haven't eaten.

"You are rubbing off on John I see. Not in a good way Mr. Watson. Definitely not in a good way. You are both eating tonight."

We laugh again, John planting another quick kiss behind my ear before walking into the kitchen.

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