Did You Miss Me?

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"Did you miss me?"

I open my eyes painfully, struggling to remember where I am. Moriarty's face pops in above me, coming into a blurry focus. I am high again, that much is clear. He smiles down at me, enjoying my struggles to rise.

"I told you we would be here tonight."

"Where...where the hell are we? What did you do?"

"You dont like it?"

He waves something in my face, letting it drag over my nose.

"This is what you wanted. What I promised you."

I flinch when he grabs my arm forcefully, pinning it to the cement. He brings his face to mine, that horrid smile never wavering. I realize he is sitting on top of me, the reason I can't move. Whatever he gave me made me numb, I can't think for more than a few seconds at a time. He runs a finger across my wrist, laughing as I try to jerk it away. There is a sharp pain in my wrist, the bloody needle clatters onto the ground.

"Not too long now, would you like to talk to John? He has been calling you a lot."

He reaches into my pocket, slowly drawing my cell from my coat. The phone is buzzing, probably John. Or Mycroft. He answers it, speaking to whomever is on the other end.

"Hello Mr. Watson."

He puts the cell on speaker, just in time for me to hear his response.

"What the hell did you do to him?"

"Say hello Sherlock."

I watch him lower the phone, resting it on my chest.


A tear traces its way down my face when John responds, the pain in his voice hurting me to the point of physical pain.

"Where are you Sherlock? What's going on?"

Moriary snatches the cell off my chest, snapping it shut. I release the tension from my body, trying to find a way out of this. Whatever he injected me with recently drags me back under, the last thing I see is his smile looming above me.

"You're back!"

He seems genuinely excited to see me, smiling wider than usual. Its bloody cold out. My coat is gone, Moriary is wearing it now. Its too big on him, but he seems to like it. He is lying against me, my arms held around him. I try to pull my hands out of his, cursing when he pulls another needle from my pockets.

"The pain will stop soon."

He pushes it beneath my skin again, I'm bloody high. Too high. I'm shaking. Bloody overdose again. This time its not an easy out, he won't let me out in time for anyone to help me. I'm trying to fight it off, but end up passing out again.

I wake in pain, a lot of pain, but we are out of the alleyway now. He has me pinned under him again, knife in hand. My arm is throbbing, obviously he hasn't given me any new drugs since I passed out. He dosent notice I am awake yet, just continues to hum to himself as he presses the blade into my flesh. My arm is suddenly on fire as he pulls on my hand, laughing when I scream. He has it dislocated again, possibly broken this time.


"We cant have you dying yet. Not yet. Not time for that."

I am crying again, tears streaming down my face. My arms won't move, he has them tied to something above my head. I struggle against the coarse ropes around my wrists, crying out when my bad arm is jarred. He shifts his weight on me, leaning foreward to rest his forehead against mine. His eyes are dead, his smile forever etched in my mind. I try to turn away, wincing when he pulls my head back to face him.

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