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POV- Sherlock

"I'm coming to get you Sherlock."


"Please. I'm sorry Sherlock, you scared me last night."

I hang up, there is not getting out of this.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really. Ill be fine later."

"What are you thinking about?"


"You look confused."

"I'm fine."

He makes me sit down until Mycroft gets here, though I mostly lay across his lap. I instinctively jump up when Mycroft knock on the door, feeling myself begining to shake. John holds my hand, we walk to the door together. Mycroft steps towards me when he sees me, wincing when I back up.

"Its okay Sherlock."

John is whispering softly in my ear, his fingers tracing a line across the inside of my wrist. I try to steady my breathing, though John is the only one holding me back from slamming the door in Mycrofts face. Mycroft doesn't say anything, just stands there for a few minutes. John pushes me gently out the door, telling me to go back with Mycroft. I reluctantly walk out to the car, accepting my coat back from my brother. His eyes are bloodshot, obviously he didn't sleep last night. The ride back to his flat is mostly silent.

"I talked to father today."


"You can stay."

"I dont want to anymore."

"Where else would you go?"

"Ill figure it out on my own."

He stops trying to talk to me, finally pulling up to his flat.

"I assume you took everything of mine away?"

"Everything dangerous."

"Everything then."

"Dont be like this Sherlock. Please. I'm sorry."

I ignore him, going straight to the library. He doesn't follow me back, instead goes to the kitchen. I pull open the windows, letting the cold air into the room. Mycroft walks in and wakes me up, telling me he needs to go to work. I let him hug me, mostly to get him out of my face, before he leaves the flat. My cell immediately buzzes.

You're all alone in there I see.- JM

Leave us alone.- SH

You want company I suppose?- JM

Not from you.- SH

But I can help you.- JM

No.- SH

I know where your brother hid your stuff Sherlock.- JM

Please don't.- SH

Or I could show Mr. Watson what we do so often. On the nights when you need something, and he won't help you.- JM

Leave him out of this.- SH

But that's half of the fun dear Sherlock.- JM

Don't touch him again.- SH

I struggle to steady myself, he is going after John. Not the first time he has threatened to, nor will it be the last, but it still worries me. John picks up immediately when I call, his voice panicked.


"Yeah. Can you come over please, Im freaking out again and Mycroft is at work."

"Sure, yeah I'll be right over. And uhh.. Sherlock?"


"Are you up to going out somewhere today?"


"I'll explain when I get there."

He hangs up, leaving me to my thoughts. Moriarty is strangely silent now, no doubt waiting for something. Someone knocks on the door, too soon to be John. I peer through the peep hole, jumping back when I see who it is. My phone buzzes again.

Hello Sherlock.- JM

Get off the terrace. Now.- SH

Aren't you going to invite me in?- JM

Go away.- SH

He holds up a bag to the window, that wicked smile plastered across his face.

How much do you want?- JM

I cant.- SH

Meet me tonight Sherlock. Same place as usual. I'll help you.- JM

No.- SH

See you tonight.- JM

I watch him leave, stare at the bag he left on the terrace. He has what I want, he knows what I want. John shows up not too long after I grab the bag and bring it inside, leaving it in a back corner of the library. He is worried about something, keeps checking his cell for messages.

"Whats going on Sherlock?"

"What do you mean?"

"He keeps messaging me, the Irishman from the park."

His face pales as I explain that Moriarty has been doing the same to me.

"Let me know when he does that to you John, Ill deal with it."

"How Sherlock?"

"Doesn't matter."


"How much has he told you?"

"Nothing of interest...You have a bloody stalker Sherlock! And he had drugs, and offered me some as well because "that's what the two of you do together."

"Damn it."


"Stop talking."

He finally stops, watching me for about ten minutes before I speak to him again.

"Grab your coat, we're going out."

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