Chapter 25

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Third Person's P.O.V.

So, the gang went off searching for the missing Scooby-Doo. Dexter, Sydney, Poppy, Jason, and Walter went to go save the trapped Kirby Martin.

Meanwhile, at the evil layer of the one great and powerful Vincent Charles and with the help of Steven Gomez they're keeping the poor kid trapped in Vincent's basement.

Anyways. The gang showed up at the Charles Residence and broke down the bolted door, in search of their dear friend/ boyfriend/ future brother-in-law.

"Alright Charles here is he?!" Dexter questioned Vincent as he casually lays out on the living room couch.

Dexter dared to give Vincent the most worse kill stare he could muster up. When he was really scared out of his mind because he wasn't aware of what was about to happen in the rest of the few hours of the day.

He was terrified.

"Oh whatever do you mean?" Vincent asked 'innocently'.

"Vincent I swear if you don't give us Kir-!"

"Or what? What are you going to do?" He dared to ask.

Dexter didn't say a word. He was so confused and had no plan.

"Dex! What should we do?" Poppy whispered.

"Shh." Jason shushed Poppy. She winked at him and got elbowed my Sydney.

"Having a little trouble with your team there, Jones." Vincent teased.

"Look just tell us where Kirby is!" Dexter yelled out of frustration.

"Steven!" Vincent  called for him.

He walked up the stairs from the basement. "Yea boss." He says walking over to him.

"We have company that wants to see our dear friend in the basement." He chuckled.

"Sorry, he doesn't like visitors." He growled.

"Walter!" Vincent yelled. "Get over here. You trader." He ordered him.

He walked over to him and was immediately gripped by Steven.

"Put him next to the fag downstairs."

"You know calling us "fags" or "faggots" it's an insult anymore. It just sounds stupid and cheesy and not to mention childish." Poppy stated.

"Shut up bitch. You don't have a dick, so this doesn't apply to you!" Vincent yelled.

"I may not have a dick but I have way much more balls than you little man and I get way more girls too because I'm so sure you are still a virgin! So, try me bitch!" She shouted back in front of all of us now.

Steven came over and grabbed her arm.
As soon as he did he got smacked right in the face by Poppy's fist.

He was immediately knocked out and was bleeding from his cheekbone.

"Damn Pops." Jason said.

"Yea. I have a bunch of quarters in my hand to make my punches harder. Something that my father taught me." She whispered.

"Oh is that why you wouldn't hold my hand in the car?" Sydney asked.

"Ok enough!" Vincent shouted and pulled out a gun out of his back pocket.

"All of you! Downstairs!" He ordered them.

"You are not brave enough to actually use that gun on us." Jason sassed him.

"Oh really pretty boy?" He asked Jason and pointed the gun at him and smiled as Jason ducked.

Then he pointed it at Dexter and then they heard a awful gunshot.

Dexter felt like everything went black and red as he saw Steven's lifeless body lay out on the floor and his pool of blood coming from his head is just starting.

Vincent laughs and looks at Poppy deep feared eyes and mouthed 'try me bitch'.

"He was stupid anyway." He mumbles.
"Come on guys let's go." He says swinging the gun around.

They walked to the basement and nothing but pitch black. Vincent flicked the light on and saw an empty chair.

"Where the fuck did he go?!" Vincent shouted, gun ready in his hand.

They heard screaming and saw Kirby jump down on top of Vincent's shoulders and started beating him with his fists.

Kirby slowly pulled a gun out of this pocket and shot Vincent.

Everyone froze in their spots.

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