Chapter 8

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Dexter's P.O.V

What is happening to me? am I gay? Do I like my best friend? No more questions!

I have to talk to him. I didn't mean to get in a relationship with Summer. I would never get in a relationship with my ex-girlfriend's sister. I was at this party and I got really drunk.

So I ended up the next morning with a hang over and in a bed naked with her. So she threatened me that she would tell her dad that I fucked her and he would tell my parents and they would kill me.

Because firstly I'm underage to be drinking at parties. Second, I lied that I was going over Kirby's house but, instead I went to the party. But lastly they would know I wasn't a virgin and kill me for it.

I'll just have to talk to Kirby. Like, right now.

Wait minute. wait minute. wait. Do I like him?


I can't believe I like him. So I'm gay now? I guess. Or maybe just gay for him.

It's just dating your best friend is a little difficult. You know? I have to talk to him.


I knock on his door.

"Hey, Jonah! Is Kirby here?" I said greeting Kirby's dad as he opened the door.

"Why? Are you finally here to apologize for being the asshole that you are to my son." He scowls at me. Ok, I know I deserve that.

"Well, Ya sort of." I say rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

Jonah may seem nice and act sweet but when you mess with the people he loves then that's when he gets super scary.

"Ok, then. But if you hurt him ever more, you will lose an eye." He threatens me. "Yes, sir." I replied not even trying to look him in his face.

I slowly walk past him and run upstairs to Kirby's room. I knock on the door and hear a faint 'come in' and I walk in his room and close the door behind me.

He is sitting on his bed with a textbook in his lap and his big square glasses on. He uses contacts cause he doesn't like how he looks in his glasses. But, I think he looks so adorable.

"Hey Kirb." I greet him. "What are you doing here Dexter?" He ask me, not even looking up from his textbook to look at me.

"I can't just see my best friend?" I ask him, "I don't know, can you?" he ask still not looking at me.

"Hey don't be like that, where is the Kirby I know and love?" he stiffened at the word 'love'.

I walk a little closer and I can see he is wear his Superman Pjs.

"Kirby! No! I'm so sorry! Please don't be upset anymore!" I pleaded to him, he looked at me like I was a crazy.

"Dexter, I'm fine." He lies right in my face. I can always tell when he is lying.

"Stop it! Kirby, I know your not! You're wearing your kiddy pjs." I protest. "Yes! Yes I am! I'm fine." He protested back to me. "No! No your not. Stop lying to me."

At this point we are dangerously close to each other. Both of us on his bed and sitting in front of each other faces. I can feel his breath on my lips.

I lean in closer and he does the same thing. We do this until our lips are touching. I kiss him harder, then he pulls away looking at me with curiosity, want, and sadness.

I kiss him again and he slowly kisses back. I put my hand up to cup his cheek and he leans in my touch still kissing me. He puts his hands through my hair. I slide my tongue over his bottom lip for entrance and he excepted it. I explored his mouth as he explored mine. We fight for dominance and I let him have it.

After about 1 minute we pull away from each other and I try to catch my breath. I have never had a kiss like that before. That one was too special to be real.

We just stare at each other. He's beautiful brown eyes stare into my ocean blue ones. He is so beautiful.

"A-are you ok?" Kirby ask me. "Of course why wouldn't I be." I say back to him with a smile. "Because you didn't run out or yell at me or beat me up or-" he tried to continue but I stopped him with another kiss.

"Stop that Kirby. You know I wouldn't ever put my hands on you in a bad way.  Ever. Kirby I'm so sor-" I was now cut off by him kissing me now. It was so sweet and his lips were so soft.

He pulled away and I whimpered. "Stop saying sorry I forgive you." He chuckled and I felt like a weight has just lifted off my shoulders. "Wait. Are you still with Summer?" he asked and that's when I felt the weight come back on me. I forgot about her.

"Uh..ya." I replied nervously biting my lip. "Oh..ok" he softly whispered I could barely hear him. He looked upset and hurt again. No. I refuse to hurt him again.

"But, I will break up with her! I promise!  I can't handle hurting you anymore. Because, I like you Kirby." I told him honestly, he looked at me shocked and said "I like you too." I smiled at him brightly and pecked his lips.

Before asking him if he wanted to watch a movie. He agreed, and I got up and look throw his movies.

"Ok, Treasure Planet, E.T, Elf, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or All Dogs Go to Heaven?" I asked already knowing what he wanted to watch.

"Oh! Oh! Elf! ..please." He yells but whispers 'please'. "Ok. Elf it is." I laugh out, "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He pouts and crossed his arms, like a baby.

I walk over to him and kiss his pout off his lips. He blushes and he looks so cute. "Your cute when you blush." I comment which makes him blush even more.

"Stop it Dexter!" He covers his red face and I pull his hands away and kiss both of his rosy cheeks. He giggles and pushes me away. "Stop kissing me. Your still dating Summer." he said, "Don't you dare bring her up. I hate her." I say to him. He looks at me confused, "Then why are you with her." he asked.

I really didn't want to tell him but I guess he asked for it so I told him what happened and he wasn't happy about it.

"Dexter! Why the hell would you do that!" He yells at me.

"Kirby, please you have to know that I plan to break up with her and tell my parents that I'm gay..and that I like you. But, I want you there with me, please." I explain to him and he calms down but he has tears in his eyes.

"No one has ever done that for me before. Of course I will be with you when you tell your parents. Thank you Dexter." he mumbles in my chest, awww he is so adorable.

"Thank you! You have no idea how much that means to me." I replied kissing his temple.


We watched a bunch of movies, until he fell asleep so I slowly got up and turned off the tv and headed to the closet to get blankets so I can sleep on his beanbag.

I get all the covers and lay them out. "Dexter what are you doing?" I hear Kirby's sleepy voice come from his bed. "Oh uh, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up. I was just laying out blankets for me to sleep on." I explained to him, "No Dexter, I want you to come up here with me." he whines.

"Um ok." I whisper, luckily he can't see the blush on my face. I slowly crawl in his bed and he wraps his arms around my waist tightly and I wrap my arms around him protectfully.

He falls back to sleep with his face buried in my chest.

I just stay up and replay these wonderful moments in my head.


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