Chapter 20

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^Aww look at Vincent^


Poppy's P.O.V.

Before she called Kirby...

I wake up in my room and walk into my bathroom.

I didn't mind turning on the light until I started washing my hands and my face.

I flick the light switch and looked in the mirror. It took me sometime to process it but believe it or not I actually just woke up naked.

"Ahhh!" I yelled in fear that I might have been raped last night.

"Baby, what's wrong." Sydney came in the bathroom yawning.

"Ahhh!" I screamed again seeing that she was also naked. "You raped me?! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh. My. God! How could you do this to me. I had so much potential and you ruined it all for me. Oh God why!? Why have you forsaken me!?" I yell dramatically.

"Poppy! Poppy! Poppy! Look I didn't raped you. Look baby, look." She said and showed me her neck, on her neck I see a whole bunch of love bites and marks on her neck.

"And look." She said pointing to her stomach and her inner thighs. There were more of them. "Someone I love so very much gave me those last night."

I thought for a second and it all came to me at once. I understand now. "You cheated on me!" I yelled in a playful way.

"Poppy No!" She said sounding irratied

"I know babe, I was joking." I laughed.

I took a step back to look at her beauty.

"Sydney. Are you cold?" I smirk and she looks down at her chest.

"Ugh, yea girl it's cold in here you didn't know that?" She tried to cover up herself and walking out of the bathroom.

She came back with my robe on and pushed me out the door.

"Don't take a cold shower it will only make them worse.
" I said through the door and heard her whisper a curse word or two. "Oh and by the way, they look good. Really prefect." I teased. "Shut up Poppy!..... Thank you!" She yelled through the door.

I shake my head in laugher. I pulled my other robe on and started searching in my closet for some clothes.

When I finally found some I decided to call Kirby and you know mess with him a bit. So I called him.



"Kirby! Kirby! Kirby, Kirby, Kirby! Oh my God! You will never believe what happened to me last night!"

"What is it Poppy?"

"Sydney and I finally did it! You know like sex and things like that.... Anyways! I'm guessing you and the hot stuff had it too. I mean I wouldn't know but I just guessing. Unless I'm wrong, which I know I'm not. I know you guys."

"Yes, Poppy you are correct. Byyyee."

"Wait! Kirby don't y-"........

Call Ended

How rude of that boy to hang up on me. Ugh.

"What's got you all pouty?" I hear Sydney ask when she came out the bathroom.

"Kirby just hang up on me. He is so rude." I pout even more and Sydney laughs.

"It's not funny." I stated.

"I'm sorry babe, it's just I heard the whole thing while I was in the shower, and I couldn't stop laughing. Sorry." She says between laughs.

"Ugh." I groan as I get my stuff to go take a shower.

"Both of you are so mean to me!" I exclaimed and shut the door in her face.

I finish taking my shower and getting ready for the day when I hear a knock on the door.

I walk downstairs and open the door to a big surprise. No, this isn't real is it? Are they really here? No.

"Mom? Dad?"


Holly's P.O.V.

I wake up in a room that is not mine and in clothes that aren't my size and seeing a familiar body next to me.

I look down at the clothes I'm wearing and see that I'm wearing a big t-shirt and some shorts. I sit on my knees and fall on top of the sleeping form next to me but it wouldn't move.

I fall on the body again, only to be moved off and landed on the floor.

"Ow." I said as I hit my head on the floor.

"Holly? What are you? Why are you on the floor?" Vincent asked as he put on his glasses and helping me up.

"Just laying around you know." I said while standing up. "On the floor." I finish and sat on his bed.

"Well um.. Don''s weird." He said and walked to his drawer to get a shirt.

I'm now realizing that he is only in basketball shorts. I didn't really see what he looks like without a shirt on.

I get up and walk over to him and stopped him before he put the actual shirt on and snatched the shirt from him.

"Come on Holly give me my shirt back." He pleaded trying to grab the shirt from my hands.

I fold the shirt and put it back in his drawer.

"Holly what are you doing?"

I ignored his question with my own. "Did we have sex last night?"

"What!?" He exclaimed.

"You heard me. Are you virgin still. I am, I think... yea, yea I am." I said thinking more about it.

"What... I... you..-- whatever look no we didn't have sex and yes I'm still a-" Vincent stopped mid-sentence.

"A virgin? It's alright I am too dude." I said matter-of-factly.

"Jesus, ok look I'll go make us some breakfast. Come on let's go downstairs." He said trying to change the subject and walking out the room.

"You can't avoid it forever." I yell to him.

"Sorry can't hear you over my cowardliness." He called back.

I laugh. Poor Poor Vincent.


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