Chapter 22

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^💜Picture of Kirby 💜^

A/N: Hey. Sorry I know I have used this picture before of Kirby. But I have only this picture so ya thanks! Btw this story is coming to a end. Thank you guys for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you!

Dexter's P.O.V.

You would think I would be all jumpy on this guy for causing my boyfriend so much trouble. But I didn't feel like that. I felt dumbfounded. I look at Walter dumbfoundedly... is that a word?

Anyways. I couldn't hold it in. I had to let it out. The stupidity was just too unreal.

"Huh?" I asked him.

"Dude I didn't come all the way over here and tell you something that I thought was going to kill me, for you to just say "huh?" Like a blundering idiot." He said sounding irritated making me come back to my senses.

"Hey watch it buddy. You're on thin ice right now." Simon popped out from behind me.

"Were you there the whole time?" I asked still a little dumbfounded.

"Yes I was. Jesus you really are a blundering idiot." She snorted and walked over to Walter.

"So your the pest who's been messing with my brother?" She asked Walter as he quivered in fear.

I behind her as looked ready to punch Walt in the face. Knowing I was right I held her back as she tried to take a swing at him.

He blocked his face and screeched in fear. "Come on man, grow some balls." I said throwing Simon on the love seat.

He still trembled lightly. "Look man. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know why you did it." I calmly said to Walter.

"Okay. I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't bash my head in after I tell you, okay?" He bargained me.

"Not making any promises right now. Just tell us." I said as Simon stood next to me.

He sighed heavily. "Alright fine. I was forced to do it by-" He start to say but Simon him off.

"Wait you were forced? You can't have been forced. No one can force you to do anything like this. This person either threatened you or bargained you. Because tha-" I put my hand over her mouth. "Let the boy speak. Jesus woman."

"Can I go on now?" He said.

"Shot." I replied.

"Okay. The person who made me do it wa-"

"What is all the noise going on down here about? I'm trying to sleep." Kirby sleepily groaned while coming down the stairs in his cute Ninja Turtle PJ's. You know sometimes I wonder how old he really is.

"Ughhhh! Can I finish please!?" Walter groaned. "Yes after you tell Kirby here what's going on." I said.

After Walter explained what happened Kirby looked more mad and scared than ever.

It happened so fast I didn't have time to stop him from punching Walter square in the face.

I held Kirby back from going for it again as Walter whined on the floor.

"Shhh. shh. shhh. It's okay baby." I try to calm Kirby as he cried in my arms.

Simon stepped in front of me she placed her hand on Kirby's head softly and left a soft kiss on their.

"It's ok baby brother. We are going to fix this." She assured Kirby.

She walked towards Walter and planted a kick in his stomach. He groaned and held his stomach.

Simon gripped on to his hair and made him look up at her.

I've never seen this side of Simon before. Note to self: never get on Simon's bad side.

"Listen you little brat. Who made you do it." She said angrily.

"Vincent Charles. I swear it was all him. Now please don't hurt me." He begged.

"What?" I asked. "Did you just say Vincent told you to do this?"

"Yeah. He told me that if I mess with you guys and start "stalking" Kirby then he wouldn't kick me out of the science club.


"But why would he do that?" Simon asked.

"I don't know." Kirby and I said.

"Have to call Poppy." Kirby said walking to the house phone and dialing her number.

"Hello? Poppy?" He said. "Yea I know it the middle of the night." He continued. "Well we have a little problem here."

"Hey. Poppy are you wasted? Really? Ok." He counties his conversation.

"Really? No. No. I'm sorry Poppy. Ok. Yea. Ok. Ok bye." Was the rest of his conversation before he hang up.

He turned around to us and said "Great she is drunk. She and Dylan went out and got wasted with some friends. She said that they got home ok. But she has a killer headache. At least she thinks."

"I think I will give Dylan a piece of my mind." Simon said getting up and stomping away.

"Can you stop being a baby and think about your brother's feelings for a second please." I argued.

"Sorry can't hear you." She said stomping up the stairs.

"It's ok Dexter she doesn't need to help if she doesn't want to." Kirby softly whispered.

I kissed his lips. "It'll be alright babe I promise. We will fix everything." I assured him.

He slowly nodded and I brung him into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered and hugged me back.

"I don't mean to interrupt this beautiful moment but do you guys have a bathroom I can use?" Walter asked awkwardly standing by the couch.

We both looked at him and pointed to the door.

"Get out." We said and he hurried to get out of the house.

I pulled Kirby back into the hug.

"It'll be okay. I promise."


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