Chapter 24

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(Ya'll know it's unedited)

Kirby's P.O.V.

The nerve of them telling me what I can't do. It's my problem. I don't understand why I can't go, I can take care of myself, I don't know why they think I'm not capable of that. They must not understand who my father is. He has trained me for the worst. He use to be in the army when he was young. I don't think he told anyone else except for his family. Not even my friends know.

Dexter thinks he is so great and he can save the day for everyone. And he probably gets his ego from his dad, that man has to much.

"Kirby? Kirby open the door." I hear Dexter knocking on my door. "Come on babe. Please?"

I didn't answer.

He keep knocking. But I never answered. Instead I got the bag from under my bed that my dad always said "to use for emergencies only" and I consider this an emergency.

I slapped it over my back and jumped out my opened window. Jumped off my roof and landed on my trampoline, I jumped off it and ran for my dad's motorcycle and started up. I rode off in the wind and headed for Vincent's house.

If he thought I can't be like him and be strong enough to take care of myself then I'll show him how strong I can really be..


I arrive at the Charles' house. His parents weren't home cause their cars weren't here. But Steven's car was here?

I got off the my bike and got the gun out of my bag and tucked it in my pants and pulled my shirt over them. I walked up to the front door and knocked. No one answered for a while so I knocked harder. No answer.

The door creaked open after and I stepped inside the house. It was too quiet in here for someone to be here.

I walked up stairs and now heard screaming and yelling coming from Vincent's room.

"You fucked up Vincent! You really fucked up everything!"

"No! Stop! Steven what are you doing! Put the gun down! No!" I hear.

I race to his room and swig the door open.

"Got you!" They both say in unison.

"What? I thought you were going to shot him!" I yelled at Steven.

"No, that was an act to get you in the room faster. Haha and it worked." He said and suddenly pointed his gun at me and Vincent pointed his at me too.

"Now take the gun out of your pants you sick fuck and slid it over here with your little help kit backpack too." He snarled.

"Yea ok call me the sick fuck." I say sarcastically while doing what he says and raising my hands up.

"Yea you are. You're a faggot for God sake. You are the most sickest fuck I have ever met. You disgust me." Vincent says in disgust and anger.

"Fuck you."

"And I bet you would like that, but thank God that I'm not a Fag like you. Now get in a chair so we can tie you up you bastard." He says.

I roll my eyes and sit down with my hands still raised. They lock me down and take everything out of my pockets. Dumbshit didn't think about checking any place else but my pockets.

My dad says 'If they are dumb enough to not check anywhere else of you than just your pockets, then they have no fucking idea what they are doing or getting themselves into. Those are the easy targets.'

But he also says that bagels are just dry old donut holes so what does he know right?

He also says 'If they put you in ropes and tie them in double knots because they think you're too weak to get out of them then they really do don't know what the hell they are doing and you could just easily get up and walk out and beat their ass.' But I don't think they tied them in double knots.

They know a little bit more than I expected.

You're probably wonder why I didn't use all this fighting stuff on Steven before. Well I just didn't want to. I was expecting it to excel this far.

And hopefully it doesn't keep going up like this.


Dexter's P.O.V.

Poppy opened the door to his room after about about 2 minutes of trying to open it with her credit card.

"Got it." She said and backed away as I ran into the room.

"He's not here." I mumbled as I see the room empty and his window opened. I looked out of the window and saw nothing but the outside world. I sat on his bed and try to think where he could have gone within walking distance because he would've walked to Vincent's house all alone with out some protection or some transportation.

He's to smart for that.

I tell Jonah and Piper what's up and Jonah walks to his window and looked outside.

"That little fucker stole my bike." He cursed.

"What?" I asked.

He got up and went into Kirby's room and checked under his bed. "Shit." He cursed under his breath.

"Looks like my son went on a little joy ride to go get things done himself to prove himself. You really should've let him go with you guys. He can take care of himself more than you think he can. I should know I taught him everything he knows and more." He says and pats me on the back and left his son's room.

"What now?" Sydney asked.

"Now." I say. "Now we go help my badass boyfriend."

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