Chapter 6

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●Picture of Sydney●


Poppy's P.O.V

I cannot believe Dexter did that to Kirby. He is such a dick. I hope Kirby is ok. I should call him.



                                   "Hey Kirby"

'Hey Poppy. What's up?'

                                 "I just want to see how you are since the sleepover, the kiss, and the uhh...rejection." I say biting my lip uncomfortable. I hate these kind of talks.

'Umm...I'm ok. I guess I expected this to happen because it's weird since we are best friends and all and I'm just a plain nerd with no fun things going on in my life. Only have two friends and being a total worthless loser. I see why he rejected me. I mean who would really want to date me.'

I hate it when Kirby talks about himself  like that.

                               "Ok, Kirby I will be over there in like 5 minutes." I say to Kirby as the line goes quiet until he responded.

'Ok, I will leave the door open for you.' He says before hanging up the phone.

I get to his house in about 7 minutes and walk in his house. He is sitting on his couch watching Spongebob Squarepants, in his Spiderman pjs, and eating a big box of coffee ice cream.

The only time he looks at Spongebob Squarepants (which is a show he hates) and in his kiddy pjs and eating his most hated ice cream flavor is only when he is in very deep thought and/or in depression

"Oh no Kirby! No! No! No! Kirby why? No and more No's after that. I will not allow you to do this to yourself." I say to the depressed boy in front of me.

"Poppy I'm fine. What are you talking about?" He says like it's nothing.

"Baby look at you. The only time you are doing this is when you are sad or depress. You haven't done this since great grandma Betty died. I'm getting alittle worried." I say to my poor heartbroken friend.

I know he doesn't want sympathy because that is one of the millions of things we bond over. I hate when somebody is being sympathetic to me. It makes me feel like they just are upset for no reason and they don't understand what I'm going through.

"Poppy can you just leave me in peace for now so I can think about things. I really just want to be alone and have no destructions around me." He snapped at me.

"Fine. You don't want my comforting, so be it. Talk to me when you are ready to stop acting so alone." I snap back and left.

I know I shouldn't have done that but I get upset easily and he knows it. So, he will get over it sooner or later.

I walk back home and decided to call Danny for her to come over.

'What?' she answered the phone sounding pretty annoyed.

               "Baby, are you ok? You seem  like your feeling annoyed or something?" I asked her.

'Yes, I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed by you!  You are so stupid and annoying I can't handle this anymore! The next time you decide to even think about me forget about it! I hate you. Consider us broken up!' She yells at me through the phone.

I listen at the sound of the line going dead and tears running down my face as I was frozen on my couch and looking straight ahead motionless.

What just happened?

I just lost one of the people I love the most.

What am I going to do? I need someone to talk to and cry on but no ones sympathy.

I can't go to Kirby because he is in the same state. I can't call Dexter because he doesn't do well with these kinds of talks. He will just make me feel worse. I know he doesn't mean to but he would. I can't call Mom or Dad because they are on a business trip at the moment. I can't call Holly or Ruby because they are away on a school field trip over the weekend.

Who to call..?

Sydney! I can always call her right? But would she really want to hear my problems? She is probably to business for me to just tell her about my break up anyways. She is not really an emotional talk to you comfort you kind of type of girl.

But I know she can comfort me in her own way she makes me laugh a bunch so maybe if I talk to her she will make me forget about the whole Danny thing. I love her comfort talks. Just like I love her.


'Hello?' Sydney's voice comes out a little broken. Has she been crying.

                       "Hey. Syd. Um. I kind of need someone to talk to because...well I will explain it when I get there." My voice sounding just like her's only...worse.

'Ok, well you remember where my house is right because I need someone to talk to too.'

                          "Yea. I will be there in an hour." I say to her hanging up the phone and walking to the door to catch the bus to her house.


I get to her house in 30 minutes.

Knocked on her door.

She let me in.

We sat in her room and both of us finally broke down in each other's arms.

When we finally calm down I had to ask Sydney why she was upset so I could beat the living shit out of the person who did hurt her.

"So what happen to you?" I ask my crying friend.

"I saw Dakota and Steven kissing by the locker rooms. She told me that she didn't like me anymore and she can't be bothered with being girlfriends with a ugly, stupid, pathetic, whore like me. Which doesn't make any sense when she is the one with her tongue down Steven's mouth. She said she was just playing me. Like I was a game to her." She explain to me my sadness level lowered and my rage level raising 100 times more than when I was upset.

Sydney is one of my closest friends and I use to have a crush on her until she started dating Dakota and the way she look at her I knew I didn't have a chance. I made a mental note to beat the hell out of Dakota for breaking Sydney's heart.

"So what happened to you?" she asked me.

I told her all about what happened with Danny and she looked pissed off as much as I was.

"What the hell did she do that for!" She yells I can see the veins popping out of her head.

"Please! Sydney don't yell right now please." I replied covering my ears.

"Oh right I'm sorry. I'm just really pissed. How could she do that to you and not even give you a reason?" She rants probably not even noticing she got up and was walking back and forth.

I got up and stop her ranting about how I would be such a great person to be with and how wonderful I am.

As much as I didn't want her to stop talking about all the great things about me. I stop her in her tricks and kissed her cheek. "Thank you for making me feel better." I said to her laughing and with a smile as she calm down and smiled back.

"You're welcome." She said to me but then she did something I wouldn't expect her to ever do in the years I've known her.

She kissed me. On my lips. Like an actually kiss. Not a peck. But a kiss. One that never felt so special than in my passed kisses with my boyfriends or girlfriends. No, this one was more special. The good thing is that I kissed her back.

"I really like you Poppy." she said after we broke away.

'I like you too Sydney.'


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