Part 8 ~ "Y-you're a controller?"

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"G-gold eyes?" Jimin questioned, the male before them looked extremely intimidating.

SeokJin's mental grip on Nari became stronger then before, the female unknowingly wincing by the force used. Jungkook stood near Jimin and Taehyung, while SeokJin was near Yoongi and NamJoon, in front of them were the two strangers.

"Let her go," the gold eyed male commanded.

"No," NamJoon said, "we want answers about who you two are."

"Y-you're not g-getting them!" Nari shouted.

The gold eyed male rolled his eyes, "I asked nicely."

He moved his hands in an upward motion, in front of the six men was now a fire wall, causing Jin to fall back into NamJoon. The two stared at each other for a split second, their lips close to touching, they would have if SeokJin didn't move.

Nari was now able to move, running off with the mysterious red head. Once they were out of sight, the blinding fire wall came down.

"That guy is a hybrid," Yoongi commented.

"How do you know?" SeokJin inquired.

"His eyes," he pointed at his own for more of a reference, "they were gold, gold eyes are rare."

The others nodded, "maybe we should skip the library for today?" Jimin suggested, the others nodding along with him.

They all walked back to the campus, parting ways to go to their own dorm rooms. SeokJin noticed NamJoon limping, then wincing. When the others were out of sight, and all he saw was NamJoon, he walked over to him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concern in his tone.

NamJoon looked at Jin, seeing the concerned expression the older displayed, "o-oh it's nothing, just my ankle, that's all."

"Don't be stupid!" Jin scolded, "come on, let me take a look at it in my dorm."

"Do I have a choice?" Joon laughed, already following Jin.

Jin smiled, "you do not."

NamJoon sat on Jin's living room couch, the older going to get medical supplies. When he came back, he sat himself in front of Joon, pulling the younger's calf over his knee. Joon's ankle was badly bruised, probably had a light sprain from what Jin could see.

"Its from when I fell on you isn't it?" he questioned, retrieving an ice pack from the freezer.

"I'm pretty sure."

Then It was silent again, Jin wrapping Joon's ankle to help him walk better. After he was done with his ankle, he moved to the male's arm, which was lightly scraped. Joon had to admit Jin looked unbelievably beautiful, he was happy he could now see it up close.

"I always knew you couldn't be human," Joon commented, Jin chuckled.

"Why is that?" he questioned, getting a bandage.

"I could never use my ability on you, plus you're to beautiful to be human."

Jin smiled slightly at the compliment, "So," he began, NamJoon was now cleaning the small cut on Jin's face, with Jin's permission of course. "Y-you're a controller?" Jin stuttered, the male before him smirking.

"Oh sweetie," he ran his finger along Jin's bottom lip, "I'm way more than just that."


"I'M SORRY OKAY?!" Nari shouted.

The red head slammed the mansion door, "sorry isn't gonna cut it Nari! What if one of then recognized me?"

"Hoseok," the female began, "I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean for them to see me."

The red head, now known as Hoseok, sighed, "I know, it's just we know controllers hate me, I just don't want anything happening."

The female pulled the taller into her embrace, "I know, but you know we both wouldn't let anything happen."

Hoseok nodded, tightly holding Nari. "The one with blue eyes was cute," Nari said giggling, Hoseok chuckled. Glad he had Nari to lighten up the mood.

And dear Hoseokie makes his debut in this FF, did you notice he wasn't there?

Thanks for over 300, love you guys ;) Just a warning, y'all might hate me by the end of this haha.

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