Quotes 26: "Forgiveness"

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"Forgiveness does not change the past, but what it does is enlarge the future."

Paul Bossa

Forgiveness to me is getting over a mistake from the past and coming to terms with that individual. Is forgiveness a process? I think forgiveness can be a very long process or can be a short one depending on what type of harm has been is done to that one individual.

Getting over a painful experience from the past can be difficult for some people and the severity of damage done to a person often plays a role in how fast a person is willing to forgive. Forgiveness is learning to get passed something someone did to you and accepting his or her apology or giving an apology. The act of forgiving isn't always saying sorry to someone, but showing them actions of forgiveness. It can also be something that hurt someone majorly and a simple sorry and moving on can sometimes work out depending on if those individuals are willing to do the right thing. For if we do not forgive others. Then our god will not forgive us. Matthew, 3:11

As Ever,

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