31. Room's Other Occupants

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Becky had just finished telling her tale to Terrik when a scowl-faced Ted walked into the secluded sitting cove. 

“What are you doing?” Ted asked impatiently, his long arms stretched out wide. Passing wind brushed his hair back sweetly, but there was no romance in Ted’s tough eyes. 

“We were talking,” Terrik replied smoothly, leaning his back against the rough wood of the bench he and Becky were seated on.

“Talking?” Ted asked blandly. “For fifteen minutes?” The normally cheery light in his eyes dulled as he processed the information. Terrik was sent after the girl to calm her down and bring her back, not to ‘talk’. His back tingled unpleasantly at the thought of wasting time.

Becky pressed her back against the wall behind the bench. Covering her arms across her chest, she closed herself off from the aggravating man. What was it with men and their inability to understand the healing that can come from talking? Was there something in males of all species that made them hate communication?

Becky’s green eyes flickered to Terrik. He had let her talk, even offering words of encouragement and solace. Roger had not really preferred talking either, but he at least let her speak. 

Was that it? Only two men in the whole of the universe could understand letting a woman express herself through words?

“Well?” Ted pressed hastily when neither person made a move to answer his question. Terrik shrugged and opened his mouth, but Ted waved him off. “I don’t want to hear it. You’ve wasted enough time. Let’s go.”

Ted stepped back and clapped his hands loudly when the two people did not make a move. 

“I’m serious. Move it!” he commanded.

Terrik rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Becky’s shoulders as he helped her up. “C’mon,” he encouraged with a bright smile. “You can do this, I promise.” 

Becky’s stomach churned. If she thought she could respond without throwing up, she would have disagreed with him. Instead she let herself be guided in front of Terrik as his strong hand’s encouragingly rubbed her shoulders for a second before sliding off. She sighed, missing his touch. Julius was a good body to cuddle with, but he so often felt like just a body. His heart was so cold from his younger brother’s death that there was no warmth in his touch. When Weres touched, you could feel the whole person, despite their being part animal. Their touch contained their soul. Julius was mechanical, but that had been enough for her. As she got reacquainted with the compassion, the totality, of the Weres, she realized she had missed the more. Could she go back to the simple touch? Did she want to?

Tiger perked up at the patter of feet moving down the hallway. From the corner of his eye, he watched as Daniel’s back stiffened as if he too heard the incoming people. Tiger sighed, partly watching the door where the people would soon enter through and partly watching Daniel. Tiger was ready to go. If he was going to play baby-sitter, he wanted to watch his wife. Her body was interesting to look at, unlike the hard pole of a white man sitting ten feet away.

Daniel had grabbed Adina when she had fallen, surprising both Ted and Tiger when he caught and held her gently. He made no move to bite her, but he did continuously rub the pad of his thumb back and forth over the scar left on her hand from the Were-snake’s bite. Daniel would twist his head to catch a clearer sound of anything that went on, but he did not look up from Adina’s face. Not until his sister walked into the room.

“Where were they? What took you so long?” Tiger asked as the three walked into the large room. “I have a mate I’d like to get back to,” he growled. The sooner they cleaned this mess up, and he was free to go the better the world would be. What could be so important to take twenty minutes of his precious time away?

“They were talking,” Ted crooned as he walked to Tiger’s side, hoping Tiger would have his back. 

“Talking?” Tiger could not believe his ears. 

Ted smiled smugly at the reinforcement, but his eyes were still pissed. The precious time had been lost. Someone should pay.

“Talking about what?” Tiger quipped. His gaze switched to Terrik who shook his head and pointed at Becky. 

Becky was oblivious to what was going on, her attention fully focused upon her brother. She was glad to see he was awake and well, but she was also terrified. If he was awake, then she would have to tell him. Her green eyes sought out Terrik. 

Terrik nodded in encouragement. 

“You can do this,” he mouthed with his pretty lips.

The tension in the air was palpable. Ted and Tiger held their tongues and restlessness, hoping answers would soon be coming. 

“Daniel, we need to talk. About you,” Becky whispered. She hung her head, feeling shame over the secret she had been carrying. Feeling fear over the knowledge that nothing would ever be the same. Could the remains of her family survive this?

Daniel’s arms tightened on Adina. He was not used to seeing his sister so emotional. Seeing her broken scared him. Would whatever had affected her affect Adina? Daniel’s eyes roamed the face of his love as he trailed a long finger down her cheek. “What you want to talk about, it won’t hurt Adina, will it?” 

Daniel lifted his head and raised his free hand. Cupping his sister’s chin tenderly, he gave her the strength to look up and meet his serious eyes. “Promise, Becky, promise me this won’t hurt Adina. Because if it will,” he dropped his hand and looked back at his girlfriend, “then I don’t want to know.”

Becky swallowed deeply. Her jaw dropped as she tried to find more oxygen for her palpitating heart. She found Terrik’s eyes and shook her head. She could not tell him.

Terrik sighed, knowing it was not his place to interfere. He met the authoritative, hard eyes of his twin. 

Ted rolled his hard eyes and smacked his lips. “Are you kidding me?” he asked no in particular. “Daniel,” he paused and waited until Daniel looked up and met his gaze. “You’re a Were-snake. There. Secrets out. Everybody feel better?” Ted lightly slapped his hands as if he were washing them of the burden. While he stood there calm and unaffected, chaos blew up around him in the form of the room’s other occupants. 


Hi! I know this chapter is short, but it is short or nothing at this point. I'm drained and writing is almost unbearable. It sucks a lot out of me, and I'm not enjoying it. If you comment, please don't leave a "update soon" comment, because those are more of a burden than an encouragement. I'm not trying to be mean, but I am trying to make you aware that I am a real person, not a machine that can just scribble out chapter after chapter. I go through stuff. 

All the best, Lyds.

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