Chapter 8

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Avni - I wasn't knowing that my Mr. Not So innocent bodyguard is an undercover cop.  ( She smirks ) .

Neil gets shocked would be an understatement. He was rooted to his spot wondering about what's happening with him. She pulls out a gun from her pocket and points it towards him.  She walks towards him still pointing the gun at him.

Avni - What you thought Mr.bodyguard that you will destroy that bulldog. My rich yet poor father is your target.

She keeps the gun on his forehead and smirks.

Avni - How dare you ? ( annoyed )

Neil was stunned with her actions.

Avni - How dare you to destroy him without me. I also want to be a part of your plan. I will help you in all the ways. I will provide you each and every evidence you need for his destruction. ( smirks ).

Neil - How you came to know about my truth?

Avni smirks.

Flashback starts

( I hope that you guys remember Chapter 5, 6 and 7.)

When avneil were in boxing ring and Neil pulled Avni towards him after removing his shirt at that time Avni's hand was on his waist and  she felt as if some object was hidden there. She pulled out the object between his jeans and belt ( at his waist.) while distracting him  with her talks and slips the mobile in her pocket then she takes her position and was about to punch him but he twirls her around in such a way that her back hits his chest. She was engrossed in the moment as his touches were effecting her but at the same time she pulls out his mobile keeps it near her thigh and was looking downwards with the corner of her eyes. She saw that there were 2 missed calls from a contact named commissioner sir. She was shocked yet she was melting in their intimate moment she composed herself with great difficulty and yanks him not before hiding his mobile in her pocket. Then she runs towards him and was about to kick him but he held her one leg while other was on the ground. He continued his ministritions while she kept his mobile at the same position. Then she pulled back and they both left the ring.

Avni was already having an idea that he is upto something so she decided to find it out. After that they both went  to her room and talked for sometime. She leaves by saying that she wants to take a shower while he left her room reason being the same as hers. She comes out from the washroom after he left and follows him. She spotted him with Anand Mehta and then he went to his room. She also leave from there.

He was with her almost all the time but he excused himself for 10 minutes in evening. She allowed him to go. After he left she opens her laptop and watch the cctv footage of entire mansion which she have hacked earlier. She tracks his every move. She saw him going towards kitchen, so she played the footage of hidden camera which is inserted by her in the kitchen ( reason will be revealed later ) . She saw him putting some pills in the food that was being prepared for the guards,she zoomed the clip and found out that he was mixing sleeping pills. She tampered the footage as she don't want to take any risk regarding his safety.

When they were having dinner she doesn't allowed him to eat the food which consists of sleeping pills as she wanted to see what he's upto.

During night she sleeps earlier or I would say she pretended to sleep  When he left she gets up and follows him. Thus she heard the entire conversation of Neil and commissioner. She was sure that he feels something for her that's why he don't want to play with her feelings. She went back to her room and deleted all the cctv footages that were tracking his movements as she don't want him to get caught.

In mall she wanted to confirm if he feels for her or he is trying to play with her . The sincerity in his eyes was enough for her so she decided to help him.

Flashback ends

Neil - Just give answer of my one  question? Why you want to destroy your father ?

Avni - Father !! ( She laughs like a maniac ) He is not even my biological father . I don't have any fucking blood relations with him.

Avni says in anger while Neil is shocked.

( I hope you guys enjoyed this . Do drop your views .)

Much love
Thanks 💞

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