Twenty Eight

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The next couple days were like a crazy rollercoaster ride. Monday afternoon Jimin's father had received a call from to police station asking them to come over as soon as possible.

They wouldn't tell his father any details on the phone which made Jimin feel suspicious about what the talk was going to be about. His dad looked concerned too when they drove to the station.

Luckily they didn't have to wait too long once they arrived. Seojun, the tall police officer who had been there the last time too took Jimin and his dad to a little office where officer Kyung Mi was already waiting.

She gave him one of her warm smiles again which made relax a little bit. But his heart skipped a beat when she started talking. "Jimin I'm sorry that I have to tell you this but you won't be able to make a good case against Shin-Cho," she began.

Jimin felt like the room was spinning, he tried to ask her why but his mouth seemed unable to form the words. Luckily his dad was there. "I'm sorry, but why might that be? These guys have abused my son, I am not going to let them get away with that!" His father said raising his voice.

"We have approached a couple of the stores near to where the fight had happened and one of the stores had several security camera's that caught the fight on tape," officer Seojun explained.

"The tapes showed us that you were the one to give the first punch, without any reason for you to do so," Seojun continued with a frown on his face. Jimin felt his heart sink into his shoes.

"Your friends who came to help you can also be seen fighting Shin-Cho and his group of friends. Jimin, I understand why you hit him but this makes it hard for us to press charges since you were the one to start the fight," Kyung Mi added.

"Since you and your friends have never been in contact with the police before we are going to let you off with a warning. But I am sorry to tell you that we won't be able to keep Shin-Cho here for much longer on just your statement," Kyung Mi said apologetically.

"There has to be something we can do! We can't let these guys free so they can terrorize my son and his boyfriend, I won't let that happen!" Jimin's father sounded angry. Jimin had let his head down, feeling defeated knowing Shin-Cho had won.

"There is one thing that you can do. There is always your boyfriend who can come in and give his statement, which you will be able to confirm as a witness," Kyung Mi suggested. Jimin looked at his father desperately before replying: "I don't know if he'll be willing to do that. Letting me come in already took a lot of convincing."

"We will try to see what we can do officers and we'll let you know what my son's boyfriend decides to do as soon as we possible," his father said shaking both officers hands. He helped Jimin up out of his chair, while Jimin mumbled a thank you to both of them.

No one said a word the whole way back home, they both knew it was going to be hard to convince Yoongi to press charges against Shin-Cho. But they also knew it was the only option they had left.

When they walked into the livingroom Jimin could see his mother and Yoongi laughing together. "You cheated! You could never have beaten me with out cheating!" Yoongi yelled jokingly at his mom.

Seeing Yoongi happy and without a care made Jimin dread telling him what happened even more. Yoongi turned to Jimin when he realised they had come back.

"You didn't tell me your mother was a cheater!" Yoongi joked with a big grin on his face. "Well he didn't tell me his boyfriend was such a sore loser either," his mother shot back.

Jimin wanted to feel happy but he knew Yoongi's smile would soon disappear. Yoongi's expression changed when Jimin didn't respond to his question.

"You have bad news don't you?" Yoongi asked somber. Jimin nodded while he sat down across Yoongi. "Well you better get it over with then," Yoongi sounded hopeless, making Jimin feel terrible.

"I can't press charges against Shin-Cho because I was the one who started the fight," he started. The more he explained what the officers had told, the darker the look in Yoongi's eyes became.

"Yoongi, it's the only way we will be able to stop Shin-Cho and his friends, please," Jimin pleaded. "I'll do it," Yoongi said resolutely. "Yoongi, ple-, wait what?" Jimin was already half begging Yoongi to consider pressing charges when he realised he had already agreed.

"I'll do it, as you said it's the only way to keep them away from you. That's the most important thing right now," Yoongi said softly. "Besides, Hyung-Woo probably already knows we went to the police, so it would be stupid if we'd let Shin-Cho go free."

Jimin took Yoongi's hands in his and held them thightly. "Thank you, Yoonie." "We'll make sure your mother's boyfriend won't be able to hurt you," his father added.

"I go call the officers right away. We'll go to the police station tomorrow," his father said while stood up and walked to the hall.

Yoongi might have sounded brave but Jimin could see in his eyes that he was terrified. "Hey, I'll be with you every step of the way. I'm not going to leave you," Jimin promised while squeezing Yoongi's hands.


The end is nearly here guys...

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