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Jimin was still feeling ecstatic about the conversation during lunch. He could have never imagined Jungkook and Taehyung being so understanding and supportive.

Thrilled by the idea that he might truely be able to connect again with his childhood friends, he walked out of school with a smile on his face. By the side of the schoolyard he saw Yoongi waiting while he smoked his cigarette.

Yoongi hadn't seen Jimin yet which gave Jimin the chance to study him while he walked towards the mysterious boy.

While he saw Yoongi casually leaning back into the tree behind him taking a deep puff of his cigarette Jimin wondered which Yoongi was the real one.

There was the one he had talked to this morning and in the diner. The one who was a little shy and didn't know how to act when someone was being nice to him.

And then there was this Yoongi. The cool and distant guy with his sarcastic grin and unbothered attitude. The one that could lash out in anger if you hit a nerve.

Yoongi finally looked his way and seemed pleased to see him. "Hey tutor, are you ready?" Yoongi grinned at him.


They decided to go back to diner instead of sitting in the library. That way Yoongi would be able to explain what he wanted to say in his paper and the atmosphere would be as serious as in the library which seemed to make Yoongi even more stressed.

They sat down at a table in the back so they would have some privacy. "Should we also order some food?" Yoongi looked at Jimin from behind his menu.

"Is that even a serious question? Ofcourse we are gonna need food!" Jimin laughed. Seeing the other boy laugh along made his heart beat a little faster.

You have to keep it together Jimin. HE.DOES.NOT.LIKE.YOU. But Jimin can't help but stare at the beautiful boy in front of him.

They both order some fries and a large coke. Yoongi get's out his paper from his bag and looks at Jimin apologetically. "Uhhm, I don't really have a laptop so I printed it at the library."

Yoongi rubs the back of his neck with his hand. Jimin has noticed how Yoongi always does that when he feels uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I have a laptop. Did you sent your paper to your email too?" Yoongi nodds. "Okay great! Then we can work from my laptop." Jimin replies with a smile.

"Maybe it would be easier if you'd sit next to me." Jimin adds shyly. "Oh yeah, ofcourse." Yoongi get's up and sits down next to Jimin and moves his chair a little closer to Jimin.

Yoongi looks over Jimin's shoulder to the screen of his laptop. He moves in even more leaning in to reach Jimin's laptop. "Let me open my mail."

Yoongi doesn't seem to notice how uneasy Jimin feels. Yoongi is so close Jimin can smell him. He smells like cigarettes and something else. Something sweet, but he can't place what it might be.

Jimin has to fight the urge to touch his hair. Oh how he wants to run his fingers through his slightly curly hair. Yoongi's voice shakes him out of his thoughts.

"Okay, shall we start then?" Yoongi gives him a questioning look. "Ye-yeah eh ofcourse, let's get started." Jimin stutters.

After two hours they are finally finished with  Yoongi's paper. While they walk out of the diner Yoongi looks at Jimin. "Thank you, Jimin. I don't know what I would do without you."

Jimin feels his cheeks turning bright red. "R-realy it's no big deal." Jimin replies. "No, but it is Jimin. It is a big deal. No one has ever helped me without expecting something back."

Yoongi smiled at him. "You are a good guy Park Jimin." Jimin didn't know how to respond at the boy's sweet words.

Yoongi also seemingly flustered by the words he had just said breaks their eye contact and he starts walking towards the busstop. "Well, I'll see you on monday then." Yoongi says.

Jimin keeps standing there for a little while, looking at the older boy. So confused about what Yoongi had just said to him.

He thought he had seen something in Yoongi's eyes when he had complemented Jimin. But he was too afraid to start hoping again.


The next tuesday he had English class again and they had to prepare presentations about How to kill a mockingbird. Jimin was schedualed for the next class, but Yoongi did have to present today.

When the second bell rang Jimin feared Yoongi wouldn't show up, which would be bad for him since he had failed the last test. And Jimin knew Yoongi would be able to impress Mrs. Jung with his presentation if he would only cover half of what he had told Jimin about the book.

"Mr. Park, have you heard anything fro-." Before Mrs. Jung could finish her sentence Yoongi barged through the door. "I'm sorry Mrs. Jung, my bus was delayed."

Yoongi sat down next to Jimin. His hair was all messy and had sweat dripping from his forehead. "Are you okay?" Jimin mouthed at Yoongi who nodded at him.

"Well since you made such a big entrance already, why don't you start off?" Mrs. Jung looked a little irritated by Yoongi's loud arrival.

"Sure, why not." Yoongi looked confident which put Jimin at ease a bit. Yoongi's presentation stunned everyone, even Jimin who knew how smart he was.

Yoongi's appearance during his presentation was absolutely amazing. He was calm and convincing and whenever Jimin looked at Mrs. Jung during the presentation he could see how impressed she was.

"Well, that was suprising to say the least Mr. Min." Mrs. Jung starts after Yoongi had finished. "I am really impressed. Could you come to me after class? I would like to discuss some things with you."

Yoongi nodded, looking really happy with the compliments. "Are there any questions from the class?" A few people ask Yoongi some questions which he answers perfectly.

Then one of the girls who have been hanging around Yoongi all the time clears her throat. "I also have a question." She giggle's a little before continuing. "Are you dating anyone?"

All her friends start laughing but the girl keeps looking at Yoongi with a straight face. Jimin feels uncomfortable all the sudden. I don't want to hear this.

Jimin looks at Yoongi who smirks before he answers the question. "I am not dating anyone. But I do think I have to disappoint you."

Before continuing Yoongi's look shifts to Jimin, staring at him intensly. "I am more into guys you know."


So I kinda upgraded my cover. Do you guys like it? Also, I didn't mean to make this part this long but it just kind of happened.

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