Twenty Seven

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Jungkook had texted Jimin the next morning asking if he and Taehyung could come over to his house to see how he and Yoongi were doing. So at 2pm the doorbell rang and his mom went over to open the door since both him and Yoongi still had trouble getting up.

"Hello Mrs. Park, long time no see!" Jimin could hear Taehyung's cheerful voice in the living room. "It really has been a long time Taehyung, it's good to see you and you too Jungkook. You boys look all grown up now!" he heard his mother reply.

The second his two friends entered the living room and saw Yoongi and Jimin sit on the couch Taehyung and Jungkook gasped. "Well shit! You guys look like crap," Taehyung blurted out, which followed by Jungkook elbowing him.

"I mean, how are you guys feeling," Taehyung asked understanding why Jungkook had hit him. "Well, I could feel better, but it's not as bad as it looks," Jimin answered.

"Namjoon and Jin told us what happened, did your brain stop working for a second? Dude what were you thinking?" Jungkook asked. "I don't really know either, Kook. I just got so mad that I stopped thinking. All I wanted to do was punch Shin-Cho's stupid face," Jimin replied.

"Well, I get that. You do got some balls man, I would have turned around the second I saw them," Jungkook said sounding impressed. "Yeah, you should have done that, Jiminie," Yoongi added sounding serious.

Jimin laced his fingers through Yoongi's saying: "But it is all going to be fine now. If I hadn't hit Shin-Cho, he would still be out there." "Shin-Cho might be getting locked up soon, but that doesn't mean all of this will be over, and you know that," Yoongi frowned.

"Let's just take this one step at a time," Taehyung intervened trying to lighten the mood a bit. Jimin smiled at him gratefully. "Yeah, sure," Yoongi said not sounding convinced at all.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, would you guys like to stay for dinner?" Jimin's mother asked. "Since you guys are all going to the movies together anyway," she added. "I would love to Mrs. Park," Taehyung replied enthousiastically. "I have to check in with my mother, but I think I can stay too," Jungkook said.

"Well isn't that nice, all of you together again at the dining table for old times sake," Jimin's mother said once they all sat down at the table. "I remember you boys coming over all the time, I am so happy to see that you are getting close again."

"Well, I have missed your cooking Mrs. Park," Taehyung replied with his mouth already stuffed with food. "Don't tell my mom, but I've always thought you were the best cook," Taehyung shot Jimin's mother a beaming smile.

"Thank you Taehyung, I won't tell your mother," Jimin's mother laughed. They continued their dinner sharing stories from when they were kids. Jimin was really happy to see Yoongi smile again.

They had just finished their meals when they heard someone honk outside. Jungkook and Taehyung immediately jumped up, thanking Jimin's mother for letting them stay over for dinner.

They were almost halfway to the door when they realised that Jimin and Yoongi were still slowly getting out of their seats, faces twitched in pain. "Oh, wait, here let us help," Jungkook said slightly embarrased.

"Hey old ladies, what took you guys so long!" Jin joked with a wide smile on his face. "We had to carry these two broken birds out and they are much heavier than they look," Taehyung shot back.

"Uhh, Jin how are we all going to fit in this car? We are with seven people you know!" Jungkook pointed out. "You are just going to have to sit on each other's lap I guess," Jin laughed. Jungkook rolled his eyes at him.

"Come Jimin you can sit in the front, that way you'll be more comfortable," Namjoon said helping him to the front seat of the car. "Wait but if Jimin sits shot gun, who's gonna sit on who's lap?" Taehyung asked confused.

After a lot of bickering Taehyung ended up on Jungkook's lap and Hoseok sat on Namjoon's lap with Yoongi sitting in the middle. Taehyung looked over at Yoongi who had watched the whole situation unfold with a big grin on his face.

"You don't have to look so smug you know," Taehyung snapped at Yoongi. "Oh get over yourself Tae, it's only for a little while," Namjoon laughed.

Jin found a parking spot right in front of the movie theater so Yoongi and Jimin wouldn't have to walk that far. "You know if there wouldn't have been any normal parking spots left I'm sure that we could have parked at a parking spot for disabled people with these two," Taehyung joked.

"You can really be an ass sometimes you know Tae," Jungkook sighed. "It's okay Kook, I'm used to Tae's comments by now," Jimin said. "Come on let's go people, I don't want to miss the movie trailers," Jin said softly pushing Taehyung and Jungkook to the front door.

They all got a bunch of snacks and drinks, even though they had just finished their dinner. "Dude, how can you eat so much?" Taehyung said looking at the four different snacks Jungkook had bought. "Fast metabolism," was all Jungkook replied.

The movie was amazing, even Namjoon had to admit he enjoyed it. Everybody had to go pee except Jimin and Yoongi. "Let's go wait outside," Yoongi said wrapping his hand around Jimin's back so he could lean on him.

"I'm really glad you joined tonight," Jimin said when they were standing outside. Yoongi took a step towards Jimin making their chests touch. "Me too," Yoongi whispered before pressing his lips on Jimin's.

Jimin would never get tired of the warm feeling of Yoongi's lips on his. He felt Yoongi's hands on his back, pressing him closer to his chest. When all of the sudden he heard a group of guys laughing and whooping.

When they pulled back out of their kiss to see who the guys were Jimin's heart stopped beating for a second. Jimin could feel Yoongi tense up while he turned around to shield Jimin from the guys that were now coming their way.

At first Jimin almost hadn't recognised the guys without their leader. But when they started yelling at them he immediately realised it were Shin-Cho's friends. Why hadn't the police arrested them yet?

"Hey sissy's, you think you were going to get away with snitching to the police were you? Well you thought wrong," one broad shouldered guy said with a wicked smile on his face. "Shin-Cho might have been arrested today but you ain't getting off that easy," another guy with a neck tattoo added.

Right when the guy with the broad shoulders stepped closer to punch Yoongi Jimin heared someone yell behind him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you!" It was Jin.

Jimin sighed in relieved when his five friends came standing besides him and Yoongi. "If you're though enough to fight two injured guys, than you must also be though enough to fight us too!" Jungkook added.

The five guys standing in front of them looked hestitantly at each other. They didn't expect to fight seven people.

"You get away with it this time Min, but you can be sure that I will go to Hyung-Woo about this. He'll know what to do with a scumbag like you," the broad shouldered guys threathened.

Yoongi's face didn't change but Jimin knew he was hiding his anger cause he could see Yoongi clenching his fists. "Do whatever you want, I wasn't planning on coming back home anyway," Yoongi hissed.

"Just keep telling yourself that your safe with your rich boyfriend, he'll get tired of you soon enough. And you know that Hyun-Woo will find you one way or another, you can count on that!" The guys walked away laughing.

Jimin could feel Yoongi shaking. "Hey, you okay?" he asked concerned. "I don't know, let's just go home.

"Who's Hyung-Woo, Yoongi?" Namjoon asked. "He my mother's boyfriend," Yoongi replied without a hint of emotion.

A long ass chapter for once, and the second upday for today. I am proud.

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