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Yoongi groaned softly when he walked up the stairs. Jimin immediately reached for Yoongi's arm to help support him, but he shaked off his hand. "I can do it myself", Yoongi said with a hint of anger in his voice.

When Yoongi reached the top of the stairs he put the hand that wasn't in the sling on the wall and bent over to catch his breath. The pain from walking up the stairs must have really exhausted him.

After a minute Yoongi walked over to a couple crates that were standing in the yard and sat down. Jimin followed him and grabbed a crate to put it across from the one Yoongi was sitting on.

As Jimin sat down and tried to look into Yoongi's eyes, he realised that this wasn't the Yoongi who had spent the night with him a couple days ago. Yoongi had put his mask back on, hiding his feelings from Jimin once again.

"Yoongi", Jimin said softly. "Please talk to me, what happened between you and Shin-Cho?" Jimin's eyes were filled with tears he could barely hold back. Seeing Yoongi broken and in pain hurt him more than he could have ever imagined.

Yoongi looked up at him, his eyes darkened and drained from emotion. "I don't know if you noticed but he beat me up pretty bad." His voice was as blank as his expression.

"That's not what I meant", Jimin whispered. "I know that, I mean I can see that." Jimin looked down, too ashamed and afraid to look at the battered boy in front of him.

"I mean, what happened between you two that he hates you so much?" Jimin heard Yoongi clear his throat. "That is a long story. One that you probably won't like." Yoongi said.

"Jimin, I am not who you believe me to be. I have done bad things, a lot of them actually." Jimin looked back up to see Yoongi staring at his hands.

"I don't care what you did, I just want to know you. All of you, good and bad." Jimin said kindly, trying to encourage Yoongi to talk.

Yoongi looked up at Jimin. "Before I transfered schools, I went to a school not far from here. And so did Shin-Cho. We used to be friends, best friends actually. We always used to play together when we were kids."

Jimin kept looking at Yoongi who didn't seem to notice him anymore, lost in his memories. A little smile appeared on Yoongi's face when he continued.

"As kids we already got in a shitload of trouble. We threw rocks through people's windows or we'd steal some kids bikes. We always had fun though."

"When we got older, we got into more serious trouble. We once stole clothes from this expensive store in the mall. Another time we'd gotten into a fight with some guys from another school." Yoongi's face turned into a frown.

"At one point we had gotten quite a reputation at school and people were kind of scared of us. Those guys that were at the park yesterday started following us around like we were the leaders of some kind of gang."

"Shin-Cho loved it, it made his feel powerfull and invincable. He changed. I mean he had never been a real good guy, but now he had gotten almost evil, intimidating and taunting people just for the fun of it."

"I didn't recognise the person he had become, but I didn't know how to change it. I tried to talk to him but he would only get mad."

Yoongi paused. His eyes had turned dark and Jimin could see how the demons from his past were haunting him. He wish he could take his pain, make it all better.

"One day our science teacher failed all of us for our group project. Shin-Cho was outraged and he had come up with a plan to get back at our teacher. He wouldn't tell us anything until after school."

"So when we were all waiting he told us he had gotten our teachers adress and that he wanted to pay him a visit. He had bought ski masks to hide our faces and baseball bats."

It looked like a shadow had fallen over Yoongi's face. He was clenching his fists. Jimin wasn't sure if it was because Yoongi was angry or if he felt powerless.

"I couldn't do it." Yoongi said solftly. And Jimin let out a sigh of relieve without even noticing.

"I couldn't hurt someone who was just doing his job. We deserved to fail the project. I tried to stop the others but they wouldn't listen to me."

"Shin-Cho was furious. He told me that either I could get on board and he would forgive me for ever doubting him. Or he would make my life a living hell."

Yoongi looked at Jimin, and for the first time he felt like Yoongi was actually talking to him. "Well, I think you can guess which one I chose." Yoongi showed him a painfull smile.

"I wanted to call the police but Shin-Cho took my phone and locked me in one of the school's bathrooms. When I finally got out it was too late."

Guilt and pain were written across Yoongi's face. "They had hit him so bad that he had broken 6 ribs and one of his arms. Of course the masks hadn't helped since our teacher immediately had known who must have hidden behind them."

"So the next day the police came into school, arresting Shin-Cho, the guys, and me." "But you didn't do anything!" Jimin blurted out.

Yoongi smiled a little. "No, but my teacher didn't know that. Only Shin-Cho and the other guys knew, but they weren't about to tell the police that."

Yoongi let out a bitter laugh. "No, they blamed it all on me. Saying I had come up with the plan and had bought all the supplies."

"With my criminal record it wasn't hard to believe. Besides, it was my word against 6 of them. So I had to go to court and ended up in a juvinile prison for 6 months."

Jimin was shocked. Prison? Yoongi looked at him. Jimin couldn't place the look on Yoongi's face. It was weird, like he almost looked amused. What could he be amused about?

"You did not expect that you were dating a delinquent now did you?" Yoongi's voice was cold and almost mean.

"I-I I don't know what to say Yoongi. No, I didn't expect this, but it's not your fault that you went to prison." Jimin said, his voice shaking.

"Not my fault? Ha! Did you even listen to what I have been telling you? I am a criminal Jimin. I have beaten people up, I have stolen cars and bullied kids at school. I deserved to go to prison, even if I didn't do what they put me away for."

Jimin was scared by the person who was sitting in from of him. This wasn't Yoongi. This wasn't the boy who had poured his heart out sitting on swing or the guy who had looked so peacefull while playing the piano.

Jimin was afraid to ask him but he needed to know. His voice was soft and shaking in fear of how the other boy would react: "Yoongi, why are you living in a shack?"


Okay, so here we are finally. I have decided to make Yoongi's confession into two chapters since there is a hell of a lot to explain and I didn't want to rush it. I am immediately writing the next part, so I hope I will update that later. Tell me what you think about it so far!

Save me || Yoonmin || COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant