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Jimin spent his sunday day dreaming about Yoongi and his soft lips and beautiful hands. He wrote numerous poems about the puzzling boy who had barged into his heart. Could it be true? Could Yoongi actually like him? Jimin was scared to think like that.

But sitting at that table in the diner, laughing with each other and sharing thoughts on books and movies had lit up a little spark of hope in Jimin's heart.

Jimin had never been waiting more for school to start again on monday. But Yoongi didn't show. Nor did he come to school the day after or the day after that. Jimin worried something might have happened. He's probably just sick, I shouldn't worry too much, Jimin told himself.

Thursday Jimin was talking with Taehyung and Jungkook as usual before their math class would begin. "Wow dude, look!" Taehyung said looking past Jimin and Jungkook with big eyes. Both Jimin and Jungkook turned around to see what had Taehyung so stunned. What Jimin saw made his heart stop for a second.

Yoongi had walked through the doors with a cap on his head, trying to hide his face as much as he could. But it was impossible to miss. The whole left side of his face was bruised and he had a split lip. He looked terrible.

Jimin didn't think for another second and ran towards Yoongi. "Yoongi, what happened? Are you okay?" Jimin looked at Yoongi with a concerned look on his face.

"I am fine, Jimin. Just leave me alone." Yoongi said harshly while walking straight past Jimin. "Hey! Please talk to me, Yoongi. I have been so worried and now look at your face!", Jimin urged while grabbing the battered boy's hand.

"Let go of me!" Yoongi's eyes almost seemed to shoot fire. "Don't act like were close all of the sudden. You're just my tutor." Yoongi left Jimin frozen, while all eyes were focused on them.

Jimin felt like Yoongi had hit him in the face. Why did Yoongi act so cold? Was he the only one who had felt the connection between the two of them? Jimin could burst into tears any minute, while he ran past Taehyung and Jungkook who had seen the whole thing happen.

"Jimin! Where are you going?" Jungkook yelled at him, while he headed directly to the boys bathroom. He didn't feel like explaining the whole thing to the guys. Because Jimin tried hard to blink the tears from his eyes he didn't even see the boy in the bathroom and bumped right into him.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" a familiar voice said. Jimin looked up to see Namjoon. "I'm sorry", Jimin cried. When Namjoon saw the tears in Jimin's eyes his look softened. "Jimin, what is wrong?" Namjoon shot him a questioning look at the younger boy.

"Nothing, I'm fine", Jimin mumbled whiping the tears from his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. "Well you don't expect me to believe that right?" Namjoon looked at Jimin with a worried look in his eyes.

"Let's get out of here!" Namjoon added. "But what about my classes?" Jimin said with a soft voice. "It's fine I'll write you a note, I'm good at that" Namjoon said with a wink.

And before Jimin could even say another thing,  Namjoon had already pulled him out of the bathroom. All the people staring at them made Jimin's last doubts vanish and he followed Namjoon through the front doors of the school.


Joon to save the day again. What do you guys think is going on with Yoongi? I am curious what you think! Thanks to everyone who continues to read my story. I had never thought my first story would receive this much love, it makes me so happy.

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