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It felt like all the oxygen was sucked out of the air. Yoongi looked at Jimin, stone cold, his eyes pitch black.

"You haven't heard enough of my horrible past yet, have you?" Yoongi said sarcastically. "Well let me tell you then the wonderfull story that is my childhood."

The tone in Yoongi's voice scared him. It was bitter and ice cold. "I told you already that my father died right? Well I was 10 years old when that happened. It was a car crash. Some drunk idiot had ran my dad off the road and he was killed instantly."

"We didn't used to live here. We actually lived in a nice house, me and my parents. But that all changed when he died."

"My mom never got over his death. She started drinking. First only at night, but at one point it turned into an all day activity. She got fired from her job at the hospital and it didn't take long until we couldn't afford the rent anymore."

Yoongi's voice was blank, without even the slightest hint of emotion. Jimin didn't know what scared him more. The angry and full of pain and regret Yoongi who had just told him about his friendship with Shin-Cho.

Or this Yoongi, or could he even call him that? There was no sign of the boy that Jimin thought he had known. No more sparkling eyes or his radiant smile. Not even his light blush or cool grin. It was like there was only a shell of Yoongi sitting here in front of him.

"So we got tossed out on the street. We had nowhere to go. Somehow my mom had found a job at this bar." Yoongi gestured to the bar next them.

"I didn't understand why she had gotten a job there, since she was a total mess. Until I found out she was seeing the owner. I quickly found out that he too did not know how to drink in moderation."

Yoongi let out a cold little laugh. "The only difference was that mom would just pass out at one point. But he would get mad. If I even looked at him the wrong way he would beat the shit out of me."

Jimin felt his heart breaking for the millionth time that day. How could one person have so many horrible things happen to him, while he had a big house and loving parents who would do anything for him.

Why was the world this unfair. If Jimin could only take a bit of Yoongi's pain and swap it for all of his happiness he would do it in a heartbeat. But he couldn't. And somehow he couldn't think of any way to comfort him.

Yoongi continued: "This went on for 4 years, until I decided I would rather live I a gross and dark shack than take one more beating from that man."

"Obviously he can still find me here, so whenever he is in the mood to hit someone again he'll just pay me a visit. But at least it isn't a daily thing anymore."

"Why doesn't your mom do anything?" As soon as Jimin said it he knew he shouldn't have. "MY MOM? Ha! You think that alcoholic piece of crap would do anything to help me? She can't even help herself!"

Yoongi's eyes were spitting fire now. Jimin had never met anyone who hated his mother but the look on Yoongi's face showed he did. Hate doesn't even to cover the emotion that was written on Yoongi's face.

"Is there anything else you want to know. Do you want to see my scars too? Since we're on the topic of my awesome life anyway." Yoongi now seemed to have turned his anger against Jimin.

"I I'm so sorry Yoongi. I didn't mean to upset you. I just want to help you, because I care about you." Jimin felt the tears streaming down his face.

He wasn't sure if he was crying because he could feel all of Yoongi's pain or because he could feel the old Yoongi he had gotten to know was slip away from him.

"You can't help me. No one can." He had calmed down a bit and he sounded defeated. "I mean you've seen what happened yesterday. All I could do to protect you was to literally push you away. I can't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of me."

"Why don't you tell the police about Shin-Cho beating you up? Or about your mom's boyfriend?" Jimin asked.

"Ha, they won't do anything. Besides, if they actually do everyone here will know that I told on them. I will be the snitch for the rest of my life. Then I won't only have two enemies but I will have this whole neighbourhood hate me." Yoongi answered bitter.

"But there has to be something we can do!" Jimin didn't plan to give up so soon. "We? Jimin, don't you get it yet? There is never going to be a we. There can't be a we as long as there are still people out there who could and eventually will hurt you."

Jimin didn't want to hear what Yoongi had just said. "No, there has to be something. I just found you, I can't loose you already." Jimin sobbed.

Jimin could see the pain in the other boys eyes, but Yoongi kept his distance. "I think you should go." Jimin could hear Yoongi's voice shaking.

"I'm not leaving. No! Yoongi, please!" Yoongi got up, his face immediately changed to a painfull expression. But he didn't make a sound.

"I'm sorry Jimin, but it's better this way." He turned around and walked back to the building in the back, leaving Jimin alone and hopeless.

It was like he was frozen. He couldn't move, he couldn't think. All he could do was cry.


How is everyone feeling? I hope this wasn't too much to take in. Also wasn't this to like static, since it was basically just Yoongi explaining?

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