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Jimin didn't know how he got home. He felt empty and he kept hearing Yoongi's words repeating in his mind over and over again: There is never going to be a we.

He had lost the only person who had made him feel like he could be himself. Like he deserved to be loved for who he was. Being with Yoongi made him feel secure, like he was finally home. And now all that was gone.

He crawled into bed even though it was only 6pm. When his mom came up to his room Jimin told her he wasn't feeling well, he couldn't face his parents right now. He'd have to explain everything and he was just not ready for that.

He finally fell into a restless sleep. Even in his dreams Yoongi didn't leave his thoughts. Images of a young Yoongi hurt and alone haunted him all night.

Jimin convinced his mom to let him stay home the next day. It wasn't even a lie when he told her he wasn't feeling well enough to go to school. He felt horrible.

When his mom left she kissed him on his forehead. His mom's soft touch made him squeeze his eyes close so he wouldn't start crying. 

He spent his day in bed, lost in his thoughts and nightmares. He got startled when he heard the doorbell ring. He looked on the clock besides his bed seeing it was 3:30pm.

He didn't know who could be standing in front of his door. He didn't really care either. He laid back again, curling himself up into a ball, closing himself of from the world.

But the person in front of his door wouldn't give up. The bell rang again, and again. When it rang a third time Jimin got up with a sigh and walked downstairs.

He was only wearing a white shirt and a boxershort, but he couldn't care less. When he entered the hall he could already see his friends standing there through the glass door.

They were all there. Jungkook and Taehyung were standing in the front holding up big buckets of ice cream. Standing behind them were Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon who were smiling comfortingly at him. Hoseok was holding up a bunch of movies.

Jimin opened the door, his eyes still wide open in shock. "Wh-what are you guys doing here?" Taehyung already stept past him inside his house.

"Since you weren't at school today we figured something must have happened between you and Yoongi yesterday." Namjoon aswered. "So we decided to come cheer you up," Hoseok said smiling brightly.

Jimin felt the tears welling up in his eyes. "But how did you guys know were I live?" Jimin was still a little confused. "Dude, Jungkook and I have been here before. I mean it was a while ago, but since I have an excellent memory I remembered." Taehyung said smugly.

Jungkook punched Taehyung on his shoulder, who pulled a painfull face. "Auch! Why do you always have to hit me?" Taehyung asked a little mad. "Because you keep saying stupid stuff like that, learn to have some tact man!"

Jimin grinned, it felt good to have his friends around him. Even listening to Jungkook and Taehyung's bickering got his mind off of Yoongi for a little while.

They all sat down in the livingroom in front of the tv. Jimin went to the kitchen to grab some spoons for the ice cream.

When he got back and saw all of his friends sitting there talking to each other his heart grew two sizes. He couldn't remember the last time any of his friends from school had been at his house, except for Yoongi ofcourse.

He handed everyone a spoon while they looked at him expectantly. Namjoon put a hand on his knee comfortingly. "Do you want to tell us what happened? You don't have to if you don't feel up to it of course."

Jimin looked at Namjoon. He thought of how they had only met a couple of months ago. He hadn't realised how much Namjoon meant to him until now.

He was always there for him when he needed him most. He always knew just what to say to make him feel like he could handle anything as long as Namjoon was there by his side.

Jimin cleared his throat. "It's kind of a long story," Jimin started. "And I don't know if I'll be able to get through all of it without crying." Jimin said quietly while he stared at his hands. 

"That's okay, we get it." Jimin looked up to see Jin smiling at him. Which gave Jimin the last nudge he needed to start talking.

Jimin explained it all to them. Everything from arriving at the bar and finding out where Yoongi lived, to his past with Shin-Cho and his mom and her boyfriend. The guys listened without interrupting.

He was able to keep in his tears until he got to the part of Yoongi telling him they would never be together. His tears came streaming down his face. "A-an-and now I will never be with him again, I can't even h-help h-hi-him." he ended sobbing.

Namjoon wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him into his embrace. He slowly stroked his hair while saying: "Shh, it's going to be okay. We're all here for you, Jimin. You are not alone."

Everyone else hummed agreeingly. "We all want to help Yoongi, we'll think of something" Jin added. Jimin looked up to see Jin with tears in his eyes. He had almost forgotten that Yoongi and him used to be friends. This must have been hard to hear for him too.

They all huddled up on the couch to watch a movie and eat ice cream. Even though his heart was still broken into a million pieces he felt like the guys were putting it back together piece by piece.


I tried to make this part a little lighter by focussing on their friendship, since I have been a real b*tch these days with only writing heartbreaking stuff.

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