.25. Worst fear

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The joker sat on the plush couch, surrounded by armed men. Each held rifles and AK's, ready to strike.
Before them sat Bruce Wayne. Playboy millionaire.

But now, he didn't look like his billionaire self at all. He was a mess. Weak.
His appearance, much more deranged.

"Not so sane now, are we Batsy?" The joker asked and burst into a fit of laughter. He was enjoying every minute of this. Harleen sat next to him, legs crossed, hair up. She looked more like a business woman than anything. She had her glare fixed on Bruce, one half of her completely torn over the fact that Bruce was reduced to this, and the other half redeemed that the killer of her baby was looking at justice square in the face.

His appearance had frightened her initially but it wasn't a sight she wasn't used to.
She felt her lover grasp her knee, looking over at her with his big, signature grin. He had been overly ecstatic ever since he had emerged from the basement with Bruce. There was a deranged, maniacal grin set on his face and Harleen knew that he was completely overtaken by the madman.

No trace of jack could be found now.

"Everything is working out perfectly..." he whispered, his eyes glued to her.

She nodded slightly with a sweet smile, looking over to Bruce who was blankly staring at the floor.

"Puddin, what are we going to do now? We can't just keep him here," Harleen said.

"Of course we can! Brucey here has information." His eyes narrowed on the vulnerable billionaire. "I think you know exactly what I wanna hear brucey, so spill!"

Harleen looked at the joker confused. "What? What do you mean?"

The joker growled and turned to her, holding her cheeks in his hands.
"I told him about our baby...how he destroyed my family again!" He stood up, walking slowly towards Bruce. "The guilt ate at him...the way he twisted and melted into this vulnerable state.." The Joker sneered.

"I'm not like you." Bruce whispered.

"What was that bats!? Speak up, lemme hear ya!" The joker leaned over Bruce, bringing his ear closer in a mocking manner.

"I can never be like you.." Bruce looked down at his hands. "I will never allow myself to be this..."

The joker grinned.

"I want answers brucey, and quite frankly I couldn't give a fuck about what you'll allow yourself to be or not be. Where is my son?" The joker slammed his fists down at the couch cushion beside Bruce.

Harleen looked on in confusion. "Son? What?"

"You said you knew where he was, and I kept you ALIVE because I wanna know where!!" The joker screamed, laughing and growling at the end.
Bruce kept quiet.

There was a moment of silence. Not even Harleen dared break it by asking questions, and she really wanted to ask questions. Where was all this coming from?

"I will break you further down until you're rotting on this couch," The joker snarled through ground teeth, "I WANT ANSWERS!"

"Your son is not in Gotham!! I made sure of that. I made sure he'd be far away from you, hidden from your clutches once the day came that you found out," Bruce admitted. He couldn't just sit there anymore, they weren't getting anywhere. The clown was determined for answers, well here they were.
"That night, after I watched you fall into that vat, I got another response of a police officer dragging a pregnant woman to an abandoned apartment complex." Bruce spoke.

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