.10. Guests

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"How are you doing Bruce?" Barbara asked solemnly as she walked through the entrance of the mansion.

It had been weeks since Alfred's funeral and Bruce's isolation. After the Wayne Ball, he had closed himself off from society, focusing more on the industrial and corporate work of Wayne Enterprises. Not even Batman had made any special appearances.

There had been no need lately, and so there was this uncharacteristic peace in Gotham. It was almost uncomfortable.

"I'm fine," Bruce said passively as he and Barbara walked down the hall.

"I know some time has passed since his passing, but it must be pretty lonely here in this big mansion without him," Barbara said, glancing up at him.

"I'm fine," Bruce said more sternly, clenching his fists.

Barbara shut her mouth and kept walking alongside Bruce to the batcave, where she'd receive her newly dry-cleaned outfit.

"What do you know about this new Jack character?" Bruce asked as he typed digits into the large computer.

"You mean The Joker's new alter ego?" Barbara scoffed. "He's still a freak."

"Yes but what's his motivation? Why the attitude change suddenly? You don't think this is just one of his schemes, do you?" Bruce asked.

"It could be, but let's face it, it's a little obvious. The Joker is a man of talent and genius, no matter how evil he may be. If it was a scheme, this new Jack persona would be much more complicated.  Jack just seems like a politician in the making from the way he riles people up," Barbara chuckled. Bruce smiled.

"I guess you're right. I may just be overthinking," he smirked.


Harleen walked down the staircase of the hideout slowly, the wooden floors beneath her feet creaking with every step.

Two weeks had passed since The Joker had first appeared and roughed Harleen up. Jack had been keeping his distance from her, per Ivy's recommendation. He didn't want to hurt her anymore. And though the Joker was usually abusive towards her, the anger and lust this time around would conjure into something explosive. With that said, the Joker didn't intentionally hurt her either. This was his most volatile form.

Jack sat surrounded by various guns and knives, different sizes, shapes, colors. His henchmen surrounded him.

She heard murmurs as she advanced closer to the group of men. She was always aware of everything happening but now she was being kept in the dark.

"Puddin?" She croaked, causing the murmurs to abruptly cease and everyone's head to turn her direction.

"It's not safe, Harleen," Jack said in a sad tone, looking away from her.

"You're being ridiculous," Harleen said as she took quick steps towards him, holding his jaw in her hands

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"You're being ridiculous," Harleen said as she took quick steps towards him, holding his jaw in her hands. "I love you, I won't stay away from you, I don't care if you kill me," she said.

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