.24. Breaking the bat

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(Joker POV)

It's been 12 hours since Harley's interruption. Luckily, Bruce was still out cold.

He woke up a few hours ago, and since then he's been quiet.
His appearance is different. His hair a lighter shade, almost green. His skin much paler than his norm. His eyes seemed..manic. Despite being tied and chained to a chair (and the concrete ground), he was also extremely shaky.
Must have been the side effect of the acid. His body is adjusting to the changes. I remember when I had first gotten a taste of that acid, I was petrified. I thought I'd die.

Overall, brucey was looking very handsome despite his little tumble. You might even say we looked somewhat...similar.
Regardless of everything I kept my signature grin plastered on my face, also hoping he'd remember me and our adventures together. 

"Now Brucey...I know you're a little scared...a little worried. But, we really do need to have this conversation." I chuckle as I flip a knife expertly in my hands.

"What do you want from me?" His voice is almost vulnerable. Almost laced in fear. Oooh i thrive on this!

"At first, I wanted to do to you what you did to me. All those years of chasing around the bad guys, throwing them into Arkham like it was nothing. It was you who kept the streak going, you who's responsible for this....madness! My heads all...fuzzy just thinking about those treatments!" I growl as I turn towards the wall and throw the knife with such force that it not only pierces it, but produces cracks along it.

"THAT'S what I wanted to do, Brucey..." I breathe heavily as I turn to face him. "I wanted to make you crack..." i watch panic wash over him for a split second but disappear as he looks coolly over to me.

"I want you to tell me where my son is." I said plainly.

"I can't do that." Bruce said.

""Oh I think it's in your best interest if you do," I say as I slowly bring my hands down to my waist and rest it on my holster.

"I think you just need a bit of persuasion, Brucey." I grin as I take out my gun.

"Look at yourself, would you trust yourself with a child?" Bruce asked.
I growled and smacked him with the butt of my gun.

"How dare you." I whispered as I leant down to his level. His head was hung now as his cheek started to bleed.

"I won't tell you. You don't deserve him." Bruce replied. The balls on this one!

I grabbed his hair and pulled his head up, making him look into my eyes. "At least when I kill, I acknowledge it."
I let go and walked away from him.
He just looked confused.

I dug into my pocket and brought out the picture of the ultrasound. I kept staring at it, for a moment getting lost into the thoughts and feelings this image brought.

But now it was pain. Searing, agonizing pain. I'd need justice in my own sick way.

"I would never admit this..." I said as I turned to face Bruce, holding up the ultrasound, "but I was really looking forward to having this child with Harley."

It looked like he had been hit with a ton of bricks. That look on his face, I wish I had a camera.

"Oh that's right, Brucey," I grinned. "This was our baby...before you killed it!"

He hung his head low, muttering something under his breath. I walked to him and placed my ear closer.
"What? I couldn't hear ya." I grabbed his hair once again and pulled it up.

"You're just messing with me. You're lying. I've never killed anyone. It's against my oath as a vigilante. I would never take another life, that was the deal. You're just...brainwashing me." He kept repeating.

I sighed and looked down at him. Hopeless.

"You killed my child, Bruce. You remember don't you? Harley told me alll about it...about how you hit her, beat her to subdue her. Her belly took some of the blows, and I've been on the receiving end of it. I know how hard you punch."

He froze briefly, I couldn't even hear his breathing. His head was still hung and then I saw drops of tears landing on the concrete beneath him.

"Don't take away what's rightfully mine a second time. If you're such a do-gooder, bats, you'll bring together a family, not tear one apart." I spoke.

After a few minutes, I turned to leave. His sobbing and groans filled the room and though it was quite satisfying, I didn't get the answers I was hoping to receive.

As soon as I was walking back up the stairs, I heard his voice, now smaller and much more vulnerable.

"I'll tell you where he is.." his voice was hesitant.

I couldn't help but grin.
I had broken the bat.

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