.16. Wanted Vigilante

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Jack clenched his fists as he glared at Jim. He felt an aching in his chest but ignored it, he knew it was anger and he had to keep it to a minimum, lest Joker would come out and ruin his entire effort. And part of him wanted Harleen to subdue him and usher him off stage and back into the SUV. Immediately.

"You are so hell-bent on getting Batman to own up to your own mistakes, to criminalize him in the public eye that you were willing to lie about who you really are." Jim continued to talk.

"No." Jack replied coolly.

"You aren't a country boy Jack. You never were." Jim stated coldly.

Jack shook his head and looked out at the crowd who boo'd Jim at this point. This gave Jack slight relief as they were siding with him through the accusations but he wasn't safe yet.

Walking closer to Jim, Jack spoke through ground teeth. "What are you trying to do?"

Jim leaned in and whispered in his ear. "You don't think I saw right through your tricks, Joker? For God's sake, I saw you spin around holding your head, I was in the right angle to see some of the green strands, I see right through you. I don't know how it happened or why, but I won't fall for your tricks. You may have fooled a large portion of Gotham but you can never fool me."

Jack pulled back, panting as he looked over at Ivy and Harleen, who motioned for him to walk towards them. He gave them a regretful look while turning back to Jim. He felt himself lose control for a split second as he grabbed Jim's sleeve and pulled him up to his face, drawing gasps from the crowd. But just then, he felt a shadow over him and pulled his hand away painfully as a batarang struck the hand holding Jim's sleeve.

He growled as he looked up and saw Batman standing in front of Jim, eliciting boo's from the crowd.

"What are yo-?!" Gordon looked up at Batman appalled.

"It's over, Joker. We've been watching you." Batman said as Jack continued to glare at him, holding his bleeding hand. Harleen rushed over to Jack, as did Ivy, and both women whispered into his ears. But what no one saw was Ivy injecting Jack with a miniature syringe. She slipped the used syringe back into her coat.

Within seconds, his demeanor had changed completely. He had calmed down. With a smile, he stood upright and faced the tall vigilante.

"Ah, Batman, so wonderful of you to join." Jack said.

"You're under arrest for assault." Batman said as he took out a handcuff from his utility belt.

The crowd suddenly screamed and boo'd in disapproval. Batman looked down at the maddening crowd before him, who all looked like they wouldn't mind jumping the barriers and attacking him.

"Arrest Batman! Arrest Batman!" The crowd chanted loudly, taking everyone on stage by surprise.

"I don't think so." Jack said calmly, with a slight smile. 

"You're coming with me," Batman said as he started towards Jack but Jim grabbed his cape.

"No. This thing is over." Jim looked over to Jack. "Leave. Or else I'll have no choice but to bring you in...in handcuffs." 

Batman spun around facing Jim.

"What?" He asked in shock.

"With the information Jack has provided the public, and everyone's apparent eagerness to support Jack, I'd have no choice but to arrest you if so much as even one of these people chose to press charges. And you know damn well there has been paperwork involved with cleaning up after you." Jim warned.

"So what, now I'm the criminal?" Batman scoffed.

"I'm afraid so. You have the chance to run, so run. But for now, until we can prove that this is another one of Joker's antics, I'm afraid you're a wanted man, Batman." Jim spoke quietly.

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