Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I yawn and roll over in my bed. I misjudge the distance and end up on the floor with the blankets tangled in my legs, causing a loud thump.

I hear frantic footsteps coming closer.

I sit up and glare at the door as it is shoved open.

My current guard franticly scans the room then looks at me with raised eyebrows when he notices my predicament.

“Go away.” I say, trying to resist the urge to throw my pillow at him.

The guard shakes his head and closes the door.

The moment I hear his retreating footsteps I untangle myself and stand up.

I walk to my mini closet and pull out the only clothing I own and quickly change.

When I am done I steal a quick glance at the mirror hanging on the wall.

My violet eyes sparkle from having just awoken while my blue-black hair is slightly tangled.

My pale skin is even more pastel from all the jail time I acquired. The dark blue sleeveless shirt only makes it more so. On the back of the vest is my clan’s symbol etched in red and white. The modified Uchiha symbol stands out against the dark blue of my shirt and the short black shorts that barely cover my long legs.

I smile proudly at the Himura clan symbol then turn my face away from the mirror.

If this had been a normal day-meaning a day when I am not under village arrest-then I would have worn my ninja pouch but that and my blood Katana had been taken from me and placed under lock and key.

I sigh and reluctantly walk out of the small room.

I walk over to the small kitchen area and make myself some Raman. The Hokage hadn’t been kidding when he had said the food was mostly Ramen.

I offer some to my guard but he refuses. Probably thinks I poisoned it or something.

Once I am finished I receive permission from my guard to go outside.

The sun is shining brightly today. I blink and hold up my hand to shield my eyes as I gaze upward.

Suddenly I spot a small figure running this way, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

The figure repeatedly looks behind at the way the figure had just come from.

I squint my eyes and try to get a better look. Normally I would be able to discern some detail but the sun shining in my eyes causes the figure to look like nothing more than a dark shadow.

As the figure approaches I realize that it is Katsuo.

His face is flushed from running and he is trying to swallow his peals of laughter which only makes his appearance even more ridiculous.

His long white hair is out of its usual ponytail and is tangled from the wind. His emerald green eyes sparkle in the morning light.

His bright smile falters when he sees me. He wavers in his stride and slows to an easy jog.

I smile and wave in his direction. A shadow passes over his face as he turns his head away.  I turn my attention to behind him when I realize someone else is approaching. By now Katsuo has slowed to a complete stop and he just stands there doing his best to ignore me.

The other figure is also suffering from fits of giggles.

She stops once she reaches Katsuo and leaps onto his back.

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