Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I whip to the left and kick the oncoming man in the stomach, sending him flying backwards.

I slash the throat of the man behind me with my katana and push his corpse into the man behind him, I then jump up into the air and throw a few kunai directly into the hearts of a few of the hundreds of men.

I land and duck just in time to avoid being sliced into two by a broad sword.

I grab the flat of the sword with both hands and use the large man’s tight grip on the handle to swing him into his neighbor, my muscles straining from the heavy weight.

I turn around and slash someone’s stomach then turn again and use the same katana to pierce another man’s heart.

I take a quick glance at my surroundings.

Men are coming at me from all sides, causing me to stay constantly on my toes. My entire body is soaked with the blood of the many corpses that are now littering the bridge.

The leaf ninja are safe on the end of the bridge, still held captive. A few men are with them to make sure they don’t escape even though they injected a poison that stops all movement. The leader is hovering over them, gloating at what he thinks is an obvious victory for him. But what he doesn’t know is that I am only getting started. I haven’t even pulled out a jutsu or two yet. It’s all been taijustu.

I dodge a flying fist and block another. I grab someone’s wrist and send the man flying into three others.

I slash right and left with my now scarlet katana, killing everyone in my path.

I duck low then jab my katana upwards. I hear a satisfying shriek then straiten to slice someone’s head off.

I glance behind me only to see a large group charging straight at me.

I reach into my ninja pouch and pull out a few pieces of my special clay.

I can’t really call it mine since it was Dari who gave me it in the first place. Dari was one of my mentors. She said that her uncle invented the clay. She taught me how to use it properly and also bored me to death with talk of her uncles “Art”. Too bad he is already dead. I would have loved killing him for making Dari such a chatterbox.

‘Then again I did kill Dari so I guess it’s only fair.’ I muse as I prepare to throw the clay.

The downside to killing Dari is that my supply of the clay is limited to what I have since I am unable to duplicate it since it was created using Dari’s chakra, something her Uncle, Deidara, taught her.

I quickly stab the man who decided to sneak up on me and throw the clay into the midst of the oncoming charge.

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