Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I watch as he slides to the cold stone floor. My face emotionless, but in my mind I wish he could live.

Blood dribbles from his chapped lips. His breaths coming in ragged bursts.

His eyes look at my violet ones, pleading for mercy.  I ignore his silent plea and push the knife in farther. I twist the knife around in his gut, pretending to find pleasure in his cries. Blood darkens his white shirt. I sigh, already bored of my most recent victim.

Too easy. I smirk. I pull out the bloodied knife, making sure it was painful.  I back up and grip the handle of my katana strapped to my back. With blinding speed I separate his head from the rest of his body.

“Are you finished yet?” asks a gruff voice coming from behind me.

“Yes father.” I answer and turn to face the tall dark haired man.

My father, Yamiyasha Himura was leaning against the door frame wearing his usual dark blue kimono that showed off his blue black hair, waiting for me to finish playing around. His familiar onyx eyes staring at the bloody mess behind me.

“hn. You made a mess.”

“Yes father. I will clean it up.” I say with a dull bored tone.

“Don’t bother. Have the servants do it. It is time for your report to the elders.”

I curse silently. I had forgotten about that. The elders were supposed to help my father lead the village but Yamiyasha had made sure that they were clueless as to what was actually going on in the land of mystery.

The elders are weak, my father is strong. That’s all that needs to be said.

I push open the great oak doors and walk into the dimly lit room, stopping before I can see the elder’s faces.

The elders are sitting in tall chairs on a raised platform. Shadows hide their tired old faces.

I kneel down and bow my head.

“Get Up Utau.” Says Hishi, her voice cracking with old age.

I stand.

“Child is that you?” Stutters Kurami. Kurami had been born blind but I knew she knew who it was without seeing my face.

“Yes, Josei Kurami.”

“How many times have I told you not to call me Lady Kurami?” Her slow unsteady voice reprimands me.

“Sumimasen, Kurami.”

“Himura Utau. You have been called before us today for your monthly report on your doings, as is required for the next head of clan. Please proceed.” Tokiwa’s steady voice reminds me of the reason I came.

“I have been keeping my usual everyday training schedule.  I have also kept up with my lessons.” At this I hide a grin. I had been done with my lessons a couple of months ago but told them otherwise so I had something to cover up what I had actually been doing.

“Any missions?”

“IIe.” I lied.

“No? Well then I suppose the report I have received of you killing a poor farmer is not true?” Tokiwa asks.

I blink in surprise. How did she know?

“Of course not.” I say smoothly. “Why would I do something like that? “

  He deserved it. He did not obey father.

“Hm... very well. If that is your report then you may leave.”  Tokiwa nudges the others awake.

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