Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

Third POV

Akane shuts her door behind her and plops down on the bed. After returning from a long mission she just wants to sleep.

She sits up and pulls a letter out from under her.

She stares at it quizzically.

Her name is printed largely in the middle of the envelope.

She rips it open and pulls out the letter and starts reading.


There isn’t much I have to say. Mostly because I don’t know how to say it.

You are my best friend Akane. You were there from the start. You taught me things I never knew could be taught. I honestly don’t think I would have ever changed if it weren’t for you.

I wrote this letter because you won’t see me again.

I would have liked to tell you this in person but common sense tells me otherwise…




Katsuo runs his fingers through his hair and leans back on his bed then continues reading the letter he had found waiting for him after he got back from his mission.

Katsuo, I don’t want you to worry about me. I know you will. And I am thankful for that. But this time there isn’t anything you can do.

In a few minutes I am leaving Konaha for good.

Remember when you found me and brought me to Konaha? I think I hated you the moment I laid eyes on you.

I never thought you would become one of my best friends.

You taught me not to take everything so seriously. Which is a good thing because if I did you would probably be dead…




Kagem takes a deep breath and repositions himself against the wall before he continues reading the letter. Nikkou sits on the floor, his face a blank mask, having already read the letter they had found.

You guys make me laugh.

You are like the brothers I never had. You know the ones you love with all your heart but hate them so much at the same time. I do consider you my brothers.

Kagem, you cared for me whenever I needed it. Nikkou, you always knew how to cheer me up.

I still laugh when I think of how we met.

I hope you guys stay friends until the day you die. Your friendship is something that only comes around once in a millennium. I wish I could have been able to be part of that friendship for a while longer….



Yuuto holds Shinobu tightly as she sobs into his chest, the opened and read letter drifting to the floor, fallen tears smudging the ink.

Hayate opens his front door and immediately spots the letter that had been slid underneath the door.

He bends down and picks it up.

He reads his name on the front and lifts his head in realization.

He turns on his heels and flies out the door, not even bothering to close it.

He runs as fast as he can until he reaches the Hokage’s office.

Without bothering to knock he bursts into the room.

“Where is she?” He demands.

Naruto looks up from his desk as Sakura stares sternly at him.

The Hokage sighs and stands.

“She left for the Land of Lightning a week ago.”

“What?” Hayate yells, his skin paling.

“I’m sorry Hayate but it’s too late.

“Have you read the letter she wrote?”

Hayate shakes his head numbly.

“I suggest you do so.”


Hayate stumbles out of the Hokage’s office and into the hallway.

He walks blindly down the streets and through the village until he reaches a small dock overlooking a small body of water.

He pulls out the envelope from his pocket where he had stashed it.

He carefully opens it and begins reading.


I wanted to write your letter last because I thought that maybe by the time I had done it a few times it would be easier.

I was wrong.

Hayate, I love you. I have never loved someone this much before. And I never will again.

But despite this I need you to move on. Find a good girl, preferably one who isn’t wanted by the rest of the world. Make her happy. And yourself.

I want you to be happy, Hayate.

I’m sorry we couldn’t spend more time together but this is how it has to be.

I have to leave now.

I am being taken to the Land of Lightning where…Well does it need explaining?

Hayate, this is goodbye.

My final goodbye.

So Goodbye Hayate. May you live a wonderful and prosperous life without me.

Oh yeah, one more thing. Take care of Akane. She will need someone after she reads her letter; after I am gone.

I will miss that red head.

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