Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

“How many does that make so far?” I ask as I pace relentlessly across the cold stone floor.

“Five that we know of so far.” Yuuto states grimly.

I kick the wall in frustration.

“What is going on here? Akane?” We all turn to see Hayate standing in the doorway looking very confused, an expression that doesn’t look bad on his face.

“Akane, I came to find you because new reports came in…What is going on?” He takes a step closer.

“No!” Yuuto, Akane, and Shinobu cry.

“No what?”

Thankfully the shadows hide my face otherwise I would be…

“Don’t come closer.” Akane warns.

“Why not? What is going on in here?” He repeats.

“No!” She screams.

He walks close enough to see my face.

I duck and cower in the corner, my heart beating wildly, partly from fear, partly from who knows what.

“Who is that?” Once again he steps closer.

“Stop, please!” Akane begs, tears gathering in her eyes.

“Akane, you are scaring me. Who is that?” He says, his voice low.

“Please…” She whispers.

“Akane, he can help.” I hear someone say.

All eyes turn to me, now standing.

“What?” Surprise fills Shinubu’s voice.

“Think about it.” I continue as I walk into the dim light coming from a broken window. “Shinobu, you are extremely helpful but you aren’t close enough to the core of the village. Hayate on the other hand is an ANBU black ops and the best friend of the Hokage’s son. He can get more information faster. We have a choice. Tell him and risk victory or keep quiet and risk failure.”

“Looks like you have already made up your mind.” Yuuto gestures to Hayate’s stunned face.

“You…” he points at me and stumbles backwards.

I sigh and close my eyes, waiting for the receding footsteps. They never come.

Instead I feel strong arms grip me tightly. My eyes spring open. The smell of pine needles fill my nose, causing me to smile.

Suddenly he pushes away.

“What the hell are you doing here?” He shouts. “If Naruto found out you would be killed!”

“Well then stop shouting that I’m here!” I yell back.

He immediately shuts up.

“Why are you here?” He whispers.

I roll my eyes and walk back to the dark end of the crumbling building.

“You said there were more reports. What is the total now?”

“10 and more arriving every second. The attacks are getting more widespread as well. There was one report stating that there have been an indefinite number of attacks in the land of lightning as well.”

“Dammit!” I lean my head on the wall, my mind whirling.

“Utau, what is going on? I am thoroughly confused.”

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