Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I spit to the side of me, ridding my mouth of the blood that had been gathering there.

The ninja punches me again, causing the iron taste of blood to once again fill my mouth.

He seems frustrated. He has been torturing me for hours and I haven’t shown any signs of pain whatsoever.

What he doesn’t know is that my father beat me far worse in preparation for a time like this so, sadly, I am used to it.

 The metal door screeches open. In walk two other men with a metal tray full of syringes.

I stare blankly into space as they inject the poison into my arm.

I hold back a wince as the poison fills my veins. It travels down my body like a million hot needles.

“Ready to talk yet?” The man snarls.

“I agreed to not escape but I never agreed to talking anymore then I already have.” I stick my chin defiantly in the air.

My personal torturer gives a roar of frustration and punches me once more.

To my surprise the painful sting of the poison slowly dissolves.

I shrug it off and continue swallowing the constant pain of the man’s beatings.

“Ungrateful brat…” The voice in my head hisses.

“I have made you immune to the poison. And you shrug it off like its nothing?” She screeches.

My gaze turns into a stone cold glare instead of the uncaring blank stare that it had been before.

“Ah…So you do feel the pain…” The man sneers.

“On the contrary, I am annoyed because your attempts are so feeble.” I say smoothly.

My torturer’s eyes narrow.

“Feeble? Well then fine! Prepare to feel pain!” He roars.

He unties me and kicks me to the floor.

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