Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Utau’s POV

 I stare out the hospital window.

It has been over 4 weeks since we got back from the trip to the island.

The minute I arrived I was rushed to the hospital where I will stay until my re-trial where they will decide my fate.

Momoka barely made it through surgery and now she is staying in another part of the hospital. Takeo survived but will never have the same use of his right arm again.

“Utau.” Kakashi speaks as he slides the door open.

“Is it time?” I ask.

He nods.

“Get dressed. The ANBU will be here in 5 minutes to escort you there.”

I squeeze my eyes shut as he slides the door closed.

I slide out of bed, wincing as the bruises and half healed scars cry out in complaint.

I quickly get dressed and sit down on the edge of the bed to await the Black Ops arrival.

A short sudden breeze blows a few stray strands of black-purple hair into my face.

I brush them to the side and stand.

The Black Ops ANBU nods and gestures to follow as another handcuffs me.

They graciously take me through the least crowded parts of the village, avoiding the spiteful public.

I hang my head low, avoiding the glares of the few we do pass.

One man gathers the courage to toss a rotten tomato at me.

The rotten fruit splatters on my forehead, oozing into my hair and trickling down my cheek.

I stop.

I lift my head to glance at the man who had thrown the tomato.

His eyes widen as he takes a step back.

I let my head drop and continue walking, letting the circle of guards around me tighten to prevent further incidents.

Eventually we make it through the village.

I am led through the long dark hallway, an aura of sadness thick in the air.

We stop before the door.

I breathe in deeply then nod.

Kakashi nods and grimly reaches over and opens the door then steps to the side.

I walk in alone.

“Utau..” Naruto whispers softly.

One glance at his face and I know my fate has already been decided.

“Utau.” Naruto speaks again, this time his voice carrying to the edges of the large underground room.

“We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for saving us. I personally would like to thank you for saving my ass out there.”

One of the shinobi sitting next to him glares at him.

“Right, anyway. Utau, we have acknowledged your deeds and taken them into consideration along with your past as we decided your fate.”

I lower my head, already knowing what is coming.

“The decision was tough but we have remained firm on our choice.”

“I did everything I could Utau.” Naruto says, his eyes softening.

“I know.”

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