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  • Dedicated to All my PF readers!!!!!!


Akane’s POV

I sigh as the wind whistles through the trees, gently blowing strands of red hair into my face and making the unshed tears in my eyes sting.

The sun shines down softly on the lone hill where I stand.

Utau changed me. She taught me how to be strong.

She found me my sister and was the best friend anyone could ask for.

And now she is gone.

I lean down and place my hand on the tombstone.

“You won’t be forgotten Utau.

“The world will never forget your name or what you did for us.

“You know, there even has been some talk of a festival to remember what you did. And to remember your people.

“I bet you would like that. The Himura clan’s name etched into history forever.

“Shinobu will also be remembered. He was buried with our fallen heroes even though he never was a part of Konaha. He deserved a hero’s funeral nonetheless.

“Everybody showed up to his funeral.” At this I have to sniff back the tears.

“Everyone showed up for your funeral too.” I whisper.

I smile and lay the flowers I had been holding down in front of her tombstone and trace her name in the stone.

“We love you Utau and we miss you so much.”

“Akane!” Hayate calls from down below. “You don’t want to be late do you?”

“Coming!” I call back and stand up.

“Goodbye my friend.” I whisper and start slowly down the hill, a peaceful smile resting on my lips.

I link arms with Hayate and let him lead us away, giving my friend one last glance behind my shoulder. My lips forming the words “Thank You”.

***Authors Note***

Aaahh!! it's finally over!...Now what am I supposed to do? :P 

I hope you all enjoyed reading Poker Face! I know I have really enjoyed writing it!

I almost want to write a sequel...but I have no ideas for a sequel...

Please check out some of my other stories!

Especially The Things the Heart can Feel! :D

No really, what am I supposed to do now? xD

Goodbye my fellow Naruto fans! It has been awesome!


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