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I looked up to Garrett as he walked me out to my car. He stops me before I could open my door and did it himself. "Will you come and film a video with me tomorrow?" Garrett asked as I climbed into my car. I smiled up to him with nod of agreement. "Great. Come over whenever works for you. I love you princess." He closes my car door. I roll down my car window and kiss him through the window. "I love you."

"I love you too Gar. I'll see you tomorrow." I drive out from Shane's driveway and off to my house again. I turned up the radio to hear a sad song playing, usually i'd let it play, but since tonight was such a drag, I would like to listen to happy, upbeat music. I've never been so respected before. These people that I now call family, are the most grateful people I have ever known. I'm glad i met them all, especially Garrett.


I enter my house and instantly drop onto the couch with a sigh. Garrett told me I should really watch more funny videos, but that's one  thing that will never change about me. I love my scary videos and shows, I can't live without them. My phone goes off as the caller ID read, DOCTOR. With a sigh, I answer the call and hear my doctor greet me. "Hello Miss L/N, We want you to come back in so we can check up on how you're doing." My doctor sounded all jolly about me coming in, i'm dying...

"Yes, okay. What are the dates for this month?" I ask and got a answer sooner than expected.

"Well, we have an opening at 3 pm to 5 pm in two days. This appointment is needed so we were hoping this would work." I nod over the phone and think how much this will set back traveling time.

"That'll work for me. Thank you." I hang up the phone and stare up to my ceiling. My eyes shut as a mans voice sounded through the room from the TV.
I looked around the room as I felt my phone vibrate once more. Garrett.
I answer the call and rub my eyes from sleep.
"Hey princess! Are you ready to film?" He always sounds so happy, and that's one thing I love about him. I yawned into the phone and looked at the time. 12:34.

"Yeah I'll be over soon. I just woke up!" I giggled and stood off my couch. I hear him give a little chuckle as well before another voice sounded from the background.

"Yup, no she'll be over soon. Hurry." I listened to his words even though he tried to block it out. What the hell?

"Garrett? Who's over?" I asked with suspicion coating my scratchy voice.

"A friend, they are gonna be in our video!" I nod and walk into my room to sort through my clothes. "Well I'll see you in a bit, love. I'm excited!" I smiled into the phone at Garrett's excited self.

"Okay, I love you Gar!" He responds with the same words and we both hang up the phone.

I stared at myself in the mirror with disappointment filling my eyes

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I stared at myself in the mirror with disappointment filling my eyes. I wasn't upset with my appearance, I never really thought I looked bad ever. Maybe my self esteem dropped a little when people would call me names, but I feel perfectly fine the way I am. Maybe I have a belly, but what does that really mean? Nothing!  Just means I have a low metabolism but I can not help that. I exit my home and head off to Garrett's house. I adore him so, I love the fact that I get to spend the rest of my life with this man. 

   I knock on Garrett's front door, which caused me to somehow become dizzy. I haven't been feeling great again, but I pour all of that on the fact that the weather is changing. Garrett answers the door with a giant smile once he saw me. I smile back up to him as he invites me back into his house. I don't believe that I've been into his house since that one night.... Instantly when I look around the space I saw a man sitting on the couch. I have never met him before but I've seen him in pictures. "Oh! Y/N this is Drew! He is a really good friend of me and Shane's." Garrett introduced me to the person on the couch. I walk over to him and stick out my hand to shake his. He looks up from his phone with a smile and shakes my hand back. He seemed like an amazing friend from what Garrett and Shane always said. I sit next to Drew as Garrett sets up his camera for the video. "Hey guys!" Garrett says to the camera and stands in front of the lens like a dork. "I'm here with an amazing friend.... Drew Manson!" Garrett smiled and moved ti show Drew's face. 

"Hello!" Drew smiled and stood up to stand by Garrett. I watched them talk for a moment, not even caring that he hadn't introduced me. I just loved watching Garrett smile and laugh with his friends.

"Also... My beautiful girlfriend Y/N!" I walked into view and wrapped my arms around Garrett's waist. He drapes his arms around my shoulder and looks back to the camera. "Isn't she so cute!" I knew Garrett fancied cute things a lot. I mean have you seen his collection of small things?" 
"Anyway, today we are going around and shopping for a trip I am going on with Y/N, and for a trip I am going with Drew after that." Garrett says to the camera and picks it up. I hated seeing my face in the camera view, it brought back bad memories. "Hey, why are you hiding your face?" Garrett asked at my weird actions. I shook my head and encouraged him to go on. 


We climb into Garrett's messy car and drive off to the mall. I am very antisocial when it comes to this kind of stuff, but I only have so much longer to live, might just make the best of it. 


"Alright, so we are at the entrance and Y/N has already made it her goal to leave us. I have no clue where she went." I say to the camera. Drew peers behind a wall to see if Y/N had gone into the food court. She was not there either. I tried to remember where it was that she said she loved most in the mall

Amusement (Garrett watts x female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now