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Thanks for 5k haha. It's like every new chapter! I'm so grateful though because I never thought my story would become this big! Thank you guys so so so much!!💞 also don't worry, this isn't gonna turn into one of those cliché stories where she wakes up and has amnesia lol.
I sprinted into the hospital and pushed my way to the front desk. The lady looked at me with shock before asking me what I needed.
"Y/N L/N! I need any information you got on her right now. I'm her boyfriend." I say and choke back tears. The lady was deciding to give me what I needed.

"Name and date of birth." She says. I rolled my eyes and took out my wallet.

"Name is Garrett watts. Birthday is June 15th, 1989." I replied and showed her my I.D. She nods her head and clicks a few things on her computer. She spins in her chair and grabs a paper. She slips me the paper. The first line I read was
"L/N, Y/N." I sighed with relief and looked back to the lady.

"Thank you so much." I smiled to her and turned to walk away.
When I sat down I scanned over it to see any valuable information.
"Un-curable." It read. I kept reading the whole sentence and found myself frightened.
"Shit." I cursed under my breath.
I stood up and felt immediately dizzy. No, not now. I tell myself and get out my phone.
"Shane, I need you here with me." He was confused but knew this was a serious situation.

"I'll be there soon. Try to stay calm." He says and hangs up the phone. I sit back down and continue to read the paper.

"Driver, Y/N L/N, suffered major injuries in a deadly crash. Passenger killed in Y/N's car.
Name: Lillia L/N." I read to myself. I suddenly got a major flashback of me calling he police and being at the scene. 


I was driving down to see my boyfriend at the time, Shane. I was in no hurry so I was taking my own time. When I turned the corner I immediately saw a car flipped over and another crushed. By the smell of the air coming into my car I knew this crash was recent. I couldn't let this scene just sit here. Pulling my car over, I saw a woman dangling from the inside of the flipped car. I ran as quickly as I could to the car. When I got there I saw a woman and a younger child
In the front seat. I looked at the both of them with worry and concern. I may not know these people, but I know I need to help them. They were both bleeding from everywhere. The woman in the passenger seat was bleeding from her head and I had to take attention to it. Carefully, I take her out of the car and place her down onto the ground. I looked back into the car and saw the other woman awakening.
"Where's my mom?" She asked trying to speak. Her words were slurred because of her hitting her head. I looked to the woman I took out of the car, and back to the child in the car. They looked nothing alike though.

"She's right here, sweetheart. Are you okay?" I asked and got a little closer to the car.
She looked around herself and started to cry. I tried to crawl over to help get her out of the car, but it was no use. Her side of the car was blocked by a rail on the road. I tired to get into the car from the drive era seat but instantly cut my knee from the glass. I scurried out of the car and took her mom back into my hands.

"What happened?" She sobbed out. I looked around once more to look at the damage to the cars.

"Guessing it was a crash. How old are you?" I question trying to take her mind off of what was happening.

"9 years old." She choked out. I nod to her and take her moms head into my hands as I covered her wounds.

"And what's your name?" This time she didn't respond. I turn to her and see she wasn't breathing anymore. She was just dangling there, Hopelessly. I breathed in and breathed out. "Save who you can." I whisper to myself under my breath. As I heard the sirens come closer I felt the instant relief. That was soon replaced by sadness as I looked back to the young kid in the front seat who has lost their life.
As the vehicles pulled up to the crash, my memories faded to black.

Real world

And here I sat. In the same hospital I've taken her to before. Shane bursts through the door scared. I put my head in my hands as he sat next to me.

"Garrett, what's happening!?" He asked scarcely. I slowly lift my head up and look to him.

"I'm not completely sure. Zakk called me and said he thinks Y/N is dying. I couldn't just stay home and not be here." I wipped away the tears that had escaped my eyes and looked to Shane. There's no doubt he wasn't worried also. Without a warning, I slipped him the paper with Y/N's records on it and frowned. He read the paper to himself as I watched him read.

"Oh shit..." he mumbled out to me. I nod and take my head in my hands once more. He rubs my back reassuringly and sighed.

"What's gonna happen to her. The main word in incurable, Shane. That means she won't live for very much longer. God." I started to cry again.

"I'm not sure Garrett. Just give it time. I'm sure they'll find a way." His voice, you could tell by his voice he was actually concerned.

"That's why she cut her hair... How could I be so ignorant! It's so obvious! The headaches, the fainting. Everything. The fact that I had... Sex with her a day before she ends up in the hospital... Oh god Shane. What am I gonna do." I rant.

Shane's pov

Garrett is truly upset about this. You can tell because his usual upbeat self isn't here. He's very morose. Something you barely see Garrett be. Seeing him this way is such a put down on everyone. Not to mention the fact his girlfriend is dying pretty much. Y/N's dying. Think about that. Let it sink in. Pain. Do you feel it? Morose... do you feel that taking over? Me too. One of my dearest friends in dying. What. the. fuck.

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