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"Got anything planned for tomorrow?" I asked, stuffing food into my mouth. Garrett muffled something over the phone that I couldn't make out. "Garrett?" I asked with water entering my mouth.

"Yeah! Sorry. Um no. I don't have anything planned." I could tell his normal happy self was brought down by something.

"Hey, are you okay?" I set down the cup and stare with concern at the counter. He didn't respond for a moment.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Do you want to come over?" He asked with the lowest tone I've ever heard him speak in. My heart sank and immediately nodded my head. Then I realized he couldn't see me and mentally face palmed.

"Of course! Where are you?" He replied with simply saying Shane's. As soon as possible, I grabbed my bag and jogged down to my car.
"I'll be there in a minute." I huffed out. Fucking stairs... I'm winded. I took a second to process where I was going again.
I drive out of my driveway and off to Shane with determination.


"Y/N?" Ryland answered the door with his Starbucks drink. I immediately hugged him and took a sip of his drink without asking. He didn't care though surprisingly.

"Garrett?" I say his name to Ryland. He already knew what was up just by his name. He frowns and signs for me to follow him. He takes me to the other living room where Shane, Garrett and Morgan sat.
"Hey, can you make me some coffee?" I asked Ryland before he left the room. He gave me a silent nod and heads to the kitchen. Shane scoots over and let's me sit next to Garrett.

"Y/N?" He looks up to me with a grin. I nod to him and run my fingers through his hair.
He wraps his arms around me with a single hum. I looked back to Shane with a mixed expression.

"He's feeling depressed..." Shane whispers me so Garrett won't hear. I sighed with concern and place my head on his.

"Gar, will you talk to me about it?" I inquired. Morgan walks into the room with a pouting face.  It's almost as if she felt like she was the Cause. Which is obviously obscure, but that's just what it gave off.

"Yeah..." he lifts his head back up to stare into my worried eyes. Shane placed his hand on my shoulder and sneaked himself into hearing Garrett.
"It's just... You. You're scaring me. And I don't mean like, oh You're scary! I mean like your health.  After the whole hospital incident and learning what the issue was and still IS, scares me to death that one day I'll be without you." He spills with sorrow filling his voice.


"Gar... I love you to fucking death. Even though I hate saying this, I'll literally be with you until the day I die."

"Why do you hate saying that?"

"Because I know that day is soon." Garrett's glossy eyes started to spill water at her words. She wasn't helping Garrett at all, but felt the need to say something.

"Don't fucking say that." Shane says and wraps his arms around Y/N from behind. Garrett joins in and hugs her from the front. Morgan makes her way in while Ryland still sat in the kitchen making Y/N coffee.
Tears started to fall from Y/N's eyes as she made the scene out in her head. Garrett's eyes watching her fall to the ground while she goes unconscious. This time, she won't wake up. Next time it won't 'just be a migraine' at all.

Y/N's pov

"Here, shistar." Ryland says with a smile as he bounced into the room. We all looked to him with laughter filling the room. I take my coffee and kiss Garrett's cheek. He stared up to me with admiration as I drank my coffee. Iced coffee is the best I don't care what you have to say. "What?" Ryland asked with his arms open. He was laughing at himself as well.

"Nothing shistar!" I responded while trying not to laugh my ass off. He rolled his eyes with sarcasm and turned on his tv.

"I'd like to make a appreciation move for this girl!" Shane yelled and snatched the remote from Ryland. He goes into Instagram and searched for my profile. I covered my face with embarrassment as my face instantly popped up.

"Noooo!" I shout with red cheeks. Garrett laughed and pulled me closer with his arm that was draped around my shoulders.

"Be quiet. You're beautiful!" Garrett says as I rest my head on his shoulder. The first picture that shows up is one of me and Garrett. My head was on his shoulder while I was being silly and doin duck lips. They all laughed at the pictures they were in alone. When we got to the final picture, They all turned to me with smiles. The last picture was of all of us at the queen Mary.

"May I just say right now, Y/N, you're the most... Exotic person I've ever met in my whole life. Your smile, your laugh, even when you get all embarrassed and scrunch up your nose, you're the most unique person I've ever fucking met." Shane went on and on about how amazing I am. I felt regret for a moment for some unknown reason. My heart sank as Garrett clutched onto my hand.

"Y/N, I, Andrew, think the same about you. You're welcome to literally always talk to any of us if you're in need of it. The way you drastically changed this group of friends is fascinating. Everyone is so much... More us. You made us become more ourselves if that makes sense. You're the one who told Shane to get me into videos more often and I thank you for that." Andrew drooled over how I'm literally the best.

"It's been a good three months of all of our friendship with you. Our short drives to get coffee when the boys never paid attention, our  TED talks that we spoke about all the time, and your sweet friendship you always showed towards me is enchanting." Morgan explained with hand gestures as uno climbed up on her lap.

"Oh my lord. Y/N you already know everything I can say about you. You're the strongest person I've ever met. How you cope with things is a new perspective for me. You've taught me that even strangers can show you kindness without even asking. The day I had my friends pink Jeep, my pink drink, and my annoying ass horn, you still showed me friendship. I appreciate everything you've done for all of us." Ryland boasted and smiled through his whole reasoning.

"Y/N I swear to god and on my life I'll always protect you and always be by your side. The way you're so dependent and don't let people walk all over you is the best thing I've seen in a while. My life is yours and always will be. I love you more than ANYONE!" Garrett beams as tears fall from his eyes.
"I was planning on proposing tonight. When I came to tell Shane about it they all had to talk me out of hurting myself. This makes me want to literally die, myself, but I know it's just worse to do that. Marriage with you is always and will be my dream, but with your condition I will only be hurting the both of us.
Your smile breaks any ring I could buy, your personality shapes the diamond it holds and your eyes show the sparkle it would shine. So I just want you to know that I love you more than the sun shines on a hot day. You will always be my love. Forever." When he explained how I can replace any ring he could buy, was when the water works started. I instantly hugged him with all my might once he was finished.

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