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By the time the ambulance got here I was almost passed out. They carried me out to the ambulance and closed the doors. It felt weird not having Garrett by my side now. A man in the back of the ambulance put a breather thing over my mouth as we began to drive off like crazy.

Garrett's pov

I watched as the ambulance drove off with my Y/N inside of it. I looked back to Shane with tears starting to form inside of my blue eyes. I make my way back inside the house and grab my satchel. I scatter around the house before getting all of my belongings.
Shane followed me around the whole time asking questions about what I'm doing.
"Shane, I'm going to the hospital and call her parents. I can't sit here and chat with you guys while my fragile Y/N is in the hospital. I need to know if she's okay, and I'm gonna be one of the first people to know! Now, come with me if you want but, I'm leaving now." I explained and walked towards the door. Shane puts on his jacket and so does Ryland.

"Let's hit the road." I say as we all head out the front door.
"G-wagon?" I asked as we jogged to Ryland's new car. We get inside and drive off as quickly as we could. We still have laws to follow to get there.... I'm coming Y/N, I promise.

I instantly ran to the front desk to get Y/N's parents numbers. Surprisingly they gave me their numbers. I called them instantly and alerted them that their daughter was in the hospital.

"She's where?" Her Mom asked not even with a slight bit of panic.

"The hospital! She passed out! We had to call the ambulance." I explained once more. The woman called for her husband and explained to him that 'this man' told her that their daughter is in the hospital. I rolled
My eyes and decided to ask the real question.

"Do you care?" I asked with a slight bit of sass to it. The woman sighed With a slight laugh.

"I don't think you realize this kid, but Y/N's been dead for about three years now. I'm not sure what you're talking about." She says and hung up the phone. I stare at the black phone screen with disbelief.

It's been about two hours now and still no news about Y/N.
"Mr. Watts?" A nurse called out finally holding a clip board. I stood up to tell her that was me. She walks closer and gives the board a confused face.
"So.... According to Y/N's parents she's been dead for three years, correct?" She asked very confused. I shrugged and tried looking to the paper. She moved it away before I could see anything.
"Well obviously she's not because she looks the same and is the same person. Ummm. So I wanted to tell you that she just got really dehydrated and very nervous for whatever reason before she passed out. I could see her reading it off of the paper.

"Oh." I sighed with relief and looked back to Shane with a thumbs up.
"Thank you for telling me." I rub the back of my neck and smiled. She nods and looks back to the hallway.

"We've got her drinking some water and eating. If you'd like to see her you can. Only one person at a time though please. She's still recovering from all the tests." She tells me and starts walking forward, indicating that I should follow her. When I entered he room I saw an instant smile creep onto her beautiful face.

"Gar?" She asked and tried to sit up. I grin back to her and pull over a chair so I couch sit next to her.
"Am I Okay?" She asked with a suspicious tone. I nod to her and start to explain.

"You were just dehydrated is all." She nods and takes a drink of water.

"They told me that but I wanted to make sure you knew." She smiled and took a bite of jello.
"I think it was from the crying is all. You know I was so scared of losing you Garrett? You don't even know. My life was a sack of shit before you came along. I'm so happy that you're here with me, that you're my boyfriend." She says with a honest tone.

"Likewise." I tell her and hold onto her hand.

"They've told me that maybe cutting my hair a small bit shorter will help with this migraines I've been having." She says and takes another bite of jello.

"That's good." I tell her and scan all around the room.
"Why do your parents think you're dead?" I asked. Her face went pale and she froze.

"That's kinda what I told Zakk to tell them awhile ago. I was in this major car crash and everything went to hell. I was horribly injured and close to death. I was never that close with my family other than Zakk so I decided to make them believe that I was dead. It was a great plan then.... Not now I guess. Maybe I should surprise them soon..." She explained. I couldn't help but see her cheeks grow red as she spoke.

Your POV

I've never really told anyone anything about my family. I felt really weird doing so. I looked back down to my tray of food and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm weird about family stuff. I've always been so distant from them. I think it is time I go and see them... Maybe that can be our next adventure. Just me and you. I tell Garrett and he nods with approval.

"That'd be lovely princess." He says and stands up. He softly kisses my head and squeezes my hand.

Amusement (Garrett watts x female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now