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Finally, when we got settled down, everyone started to have panic attacks again.
"Are you okay? That was the most scariest things I've ever witnessed!" Morgan panicked and held her face in her hands.

"I'm-" I got interrupted yet again.

"What if the ghost just didn't like your shirt?" Garrett asked all innocent. I shook my head with a smile. Shane looked to Garrett like he was stupid also.

"You're probably right. This wasn't my first decision. Do you like it?" I asked examining my shirt. Garrett nods and looks to my shirt as well. Andrew just kept the camera on us the whole time. Shane clapped and looked back to the camera.

"Okay. Anyways, we're all starving and we're gonna go and try to find food." Shane put his hand over the lens. "Okay. So I suggest Taco Bell." Shane puts his hands to his mouth.
Everyone nods except for me.

"I've never been to Taco Bell." I confessed and stood up with everyone. Shane was so disappointed. Ryland was just wise eyed at Shane. Garrett stood still with a wide smile. Morgan was still shook about this whole thing also.

"Sorry. Umm... she can't stay here." Shane pointed to me. They all laughed and we started to walk back to Shane's jeep.

It's now 12:39 am. We're back at the hotel and down in our regular room. Shane goes into the closet with a smile. Andrew was talking with Shane but he wasn't responding. I was getting worried. It's not like Shane to not talk. Shane comes bursting out of the closet with a scared face. We all surround him and ask him bunches of questions.

"There was a tap on the wall behind me. Like a finger on the wall. Garrett, go in there. It's fucking terrifying. Just ask it to say something." Shane told Garrett. Garrett was scared and didn't wanna go alone.

"Come on." I sighed and dragged Garrett in with me. We both said
"Say something." About three times before a tap was heard right in between us. Garrett shivered and opened up the door. We both walked out and Garrett had a smile on his face.
Everyone else took their turn going into the closet one by one. It was definitely something alright. It's not the scariest thing we've encountered though.

"Okay guys. Now that we have that.... We're gonna go to sleep and set a timer for 3:00 am. See you at three." Shane whispers and gets into bed. I sit on the chair in the corner of the room and look at the wall to see a giant pull open door with a latch. It's been about an hour and me and Garrett are the only ones awake still. He pulls a bottle of boos. And points to the room. I nod and we climb over the couch and go into the room.

"It's feels uncomfortably creepy in this room." I say as I turn on my flashlight on my phone. He agrees and we walk over to a couch and sit in front of it.

"Here." He places the bottle in front of us. We turned on a lamp and began to talk about this whole trip.
"If I'm being honest, this trip has been spooky. The whole ghost thing with you, the knocking, the lady's story downstairs. Just everything. Even this room." He says. You nod and lay your head on the back of the front on the couch. He follows your actions and you both look to each other.

3:00 am

Me and Garrett drank half of that bottle and we're so exhausted. Shane came into the room with the camera and a bright ass flashlight.

"What the fuck?" Shane laughed and picks up the bottle.
"How much have you guys drank?" Shane asked us with the camera still on us.

"Not that much actually. We only drank half altogether." I say and held up the bottle. My eyes stung from the light and from being tired. I couldn't help but the almost pass out a couple times as Garrett spoke.

"Anyway Guys, let's get down to the sleeping ward." Shane says the the camera and shuts it off.

"That light literally made me go blind." I rub my eyes and fix my glasses. Garrett agrees with me and we climb over the couch to get back into our original room.

"Okay. So let's make a small plan of what's gonna happen." Ryland suggested before we walked out of the door.

"No." Me and Shane both say in sync. Ryland was shocked and Shane was laughing. Garrett was eating some of his leftovers and holding Benjamin in his arms. The door behind us slammed shut and something fell in the closet.

"Oh hell no." I put my hands halfway up and walk out of the room. Andrew took out his camera as we walked. It didn't take long before we found somebody to talk to. At first we thought it was unfortunate. He was a janitor of the ship.

"Hello. Can I help you guys?" He asked. I looked to Garrett as he looked to Shane with a smile.

"Can you take us to the isolation ward?" Shane asked as Andrew filmed. The man agreed and we walked down to the ward. The man told us that the ward was where many died because of sickness or wounds. Most of their experiences have been down here also. It's definitely a different feeling down here. Even the air got thicker.
We all gathered into a small room with bunk beds. Morgan got on bottom as the guy kept talking about the history of this place I suddenly got chills as Ryland attempted to get onto the top bunk. It started to crack and my heart sunk to my stomach. That would have literally killed Morgan. Good thing Shane had quickly grabbed Ryland and pulled him down.

"Okay, I think Shane should stay in here alone and we record while he asks questions. We will also set up the voice recorder so that we can hear the answers. Is that okay with you?" Garrett suggested and set up the night vision setting on the camera. Shane replied with a "Yes." And we set up the voice recorder.
"Good luck." Garrett says as we walk out of the room. I could already feel the fear radiating off of Shane as we left. We left the door open so we could hear if anything happens.

"See you soon." I waved to him and was the last one to exit the room.

Amusement (Garrett watts x female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now