Part 4 (repost)

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A/N: Hey guys, for those of you who've read Fall Out Girl and haven't read this part, I reposted this part because I accidently deleted it months ago.

Jenna's POV:

The rest of the night was spent playing ping pong, and stuffing our faces with pizza. By 10, I was too exhausted to do anything, and went to sleep. I didn't wake up until eleven, when penny was sitting at the foot of my bed.

"Is this gonna be a regular thing?" I said.

The cat just glared at me.

Whatever. I shrugged. I  showered, and went through my luggage to put together some form of outfit. I managed to find a pair of jeans and a white v-neck. I grabbed  a black knitted hat, that I begged Ms. Lilian to buy me, and my black boots. I shuffled downstairs, and saw Andy watching the news. The rest of the guys came inside from the front door.

"You ready?" Patrick asked.

I picked up my bag off the counter, and we headed to the mall. The car ride was less awkward then yesterday, and we actually talked to each other.

"Shoot, we didn't get breakfast." Pete said.

"I completely forgot about it." my stomach growled.

We made a quick stop to McDonalds, and scarfed down our food. When we arrived at the mall, my eyes nearly popped out my head. It was 3 different buildings that I could see, that were 4 stories high. The parking lot was enormous, and the entrance had a big glass door in front of it.

"Holy hell." I muttered under my breath.

"So what store are shopping at?" I asked.

"What ever store you want to go to." Andy replied.

The mall looked bigger on the inside, making me freak out even more. Hundreds of people were walking around, most of them my age, with tons of bags. The ceilings were made of glass, which light poured through them.


"Yep, one of the biggest malls in the country. Never been here before?" Patrick said.

"Never been to a mall before. I usually go to Macy's of something." I kind felt embarrassed.

"Well today is your day. Go nuts." Pete declared.

And the shopping began. At first, I was a little afraid to go in, and buy something. I only went to stores that said 'sale' and bought a few jeans. Joe informed me I'm gonna need more shorts a t-shirts from now on. Then I passed a window with the most amazing shoes, that I couldn't pass up. I walked out with green and black high tops, and $56 worth of clothes.

"Okay, so far I've spent 117 dollars. Maybe I should stop." I felt like I was overdoing it.

"Your fine." Andy promised me.

"Yeah, besides Patrick comes here all the time  and spends 3x that in hats and scarf's." Pete joked.

I laughed at Patrick's attempt to stab Pete in the neck with an invisible knife. So we kept shopping. We stopped by this store called 'HOT TOPIC', which sold almost all of my favorite Doctor Who stuff. I also found a cute leather jacket, that was hanging next to a miniature weeping angel statue. I stared at the statue while I slowly grabbed jacket. I turned the weeping angel over, and ran back to the cashier. She rung up my stuff, along with a shirt that Pete bought that said: Beer parade. The cashier was babbling on about how she loved fall out boy, and wanted an autograph. We left the store, when I realized the weeping angel was facing me again. The guys were looking at one store, when I went into the next. It looked incredibly high end, with jewelry in glass cases, and several dresses on the hangars.

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