Part 17

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[Chicago is so 2 years ago

album: Take this to your Grave]

A/N: The song seemed to fit the mood of this chapter. ;)

Patrick's POV:

I finally got of the phone with Principle Meyers and cleared up Jenna's mess. She was going back to school on Friday, and I wanted to make sure no one touched her. I felt kinda relieved. We had a plan to get Darien off our backs and Jenna can go back to school. Things were finally going are way.

"Annie, I don't care what you have to say..." I heard Jenna yell.

It was a shame Annie used Jenna like that. She really liked her, we all did. But people aren't always nice in the long run. Its a good thing Jenna faced this. I realized Jenna got really quiet. Too quiet to be Annie at the door. I ran downstairs to check if she had left the house.

"Jenna are you..." I couldn't believe what I saw.

Jenna was at the door. With Elisa. My throat clogged up, my stomach was in knots, and the room started spinning. Why? Of all people to show up at my house, Elisa is standing their at my door.

"Um, Patrick you have a visitor." Jenna looked at me nervously. She looked incredibly confused.

"I see. Hi Elisa." I was surprised I could even speak.

"Hello Patrick." She said.

Jenna looked at me then back to Elsia.

"I should probably go to the store. See if we- I mean you guys need any more groceries." She grabbed the house keys and quickly passed Elisa out the house.

It was just me and her now. My legs trembled looking at her beautiful hair, adorable brown eyes, and her gorgeous smile. It almost made me forget why we split. Almost.

"So. What are you doing here? I thought you got all your stuff months ago." I finally said.

"Nice to see you too Patrick. And yes I did get all my stuff, but that's not why I'm here." A small spark grew in my heart. Did she want to get back together?

"I'm here for the ring." She said coldly.

And there it is. The reason we broke up. The sweet innocence on some days, and the harsh cruelty on others. Elisa was like 2 sides of a coin, and it would flip almost every other day. It was that, and the fact that she cheated on me a couple times. It tore my heart out, but I finally had to get a divorce before the pain became too much. I thought I wasn't gonna get over it, until I adopted Jenna.

"I thought you didn't want it." I mumbled.

"I don't. But I need the extra cash to pay for... something else."

"I offered you cash a couple months ago, and  you said no. Now you wanna pawn our wedding ring?!" I spat.

"I didn't need it then, but I do now." She retorted.

"Why not ask for money now? Why come all the way here to ask for the ring, when I could just pay you what you need? Is it because of your boyfriend?"

"Oh your one to talk. You sure know how to pick 'em young Patrick. And I thought Pete was bad." She sneered.

I couldn't believe it. She was talking about Jenna like was my girlfriend. First. No. And second, I wasn't gonna sit here and let her dis Jenna like that.

"Jenna is NOT my girlfriend! She's my daughter!!" I snapped.

Crap, that wasn't suppose to come out. Elisa's mouth hung open and eyes widened.

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