Part 3

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Jenna's POV:

I stood on the sidewalk outside the radio station. I didn't have a phone(never needed one), so I couldn't call any of them. It was already dark out when the city lights came on.  I tried not to cry at least three times in the past hour. I didn't know exactly what to feel. I couldn't be mad at him. He didn't really sign up for being my care-taker. But I felt sick for thinking that they would instantly be in parent mode as soon as they adopted me.

Do they even have any other kids? I thought.

Probably not. A few people passed me, giving me strange looks. It made me want to cry all over again.

"You alright?" someone asked.

I looked up. It was a boy my age, with dirty blond hair and deep green eyes.

"Fine." I said.

"You sure? You've been here for 'bout an hour."

"So you've been watching me now?!" I spat.

"No, I mean-"

"Sorry, just a little disappointed."

He sat down next to me.

"Its cool. So why are you here?"

"Wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"I was ditched. By Pete Wentz."

"That actually doesn't surprise me." he said.

"Well I apparently didn't. And he's sorta my ride home."

"Where is it?"


The boy was surprised now.

"You have a very complicated story, do you?"


"Myles Tenar." He stook out his hand.


"So how exactly were you suppose to get home?"

"We were gonna meet at the jet at 5 this afternoon. We went over by an hour, so we changed it to 8."

"What airport?"

"Mayfield national."

Myles checked his phone.

"Not that far, I can take you there."

"No offense, but I don't know you. You could be some sort of pedophile or serial killer."

"Or, I could be the nephew of Jim Slash, who happens to have a license." he held up his keys.

"Your Uncle is Jim Slash?" I asked.

"Yes. Now I could drive you to the airport, or you could sit here on your ass." he quipped.

"Fine." I followed Myles to his red sports car (probably his uncles), and rode to the airport.

"So how exactly did you get mixed up with the 'great Pete Wentz' from fall out boy?" he questioned.

I bit my lip.

"It was a promotional stunt."



"I hear that all the time when my Uncle is in meetings. And this seems way to personal."

Myles made a left turn towards the airport.

"I can't say."

"Look, if its some BIG secret from the public, I can keep it. I promise I won't tell." he begged.

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