Part 21

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Jenna’s POV:

Traffic was Hell getting there, and the show was already 20 minutes in. I was absolutely freaking out. Not because i was terrified of performing in front of a large crowd (which would scare anyone), but because I was worried that the guys wouldn’t show. Now that I heard the recording full through, I was weighing the Pros and Cons (of breathing you in) of staying with them. I could go back to foster care, live out my teenage years in a home, and be unhappy. Or I could stay with the boys, live a life as a rockstar’s kid, and have a normal, or as normal as it can be life. I decided to put that as a side thought and focused on my steps for the performance. I went over it 4 times before we finally reached the Martis Theater. We sprinted out of the car, and ran to the gates. Security stopped us asking for our passes.

“It’s okay, there with us!” One of the girls from our school, Ana, grabbed their attention.

We were let through, and lead backstage. Our enemy school, Roseburg High was performing. They were doing a Disney Princess theme, and the crowd was loving it. I had to admit the costumes looked good too. I looked around the names, until I found ours. Everyone was in costume and Ms. Flora was talking to.. Carrie and Annie? I walked up to them, and I didn’t have time to waste.

“What are you doing-”

“Just shut up and listen okay?” Annie interrupted me. “You can hate me all you want, I get that. But your the only one who know this routine liked the back of your hand. Can you please do this?”

“She is right, and I prefer you over Ari. She’s ill prepared, and melodramatic in the worsdt kind of way.” Ms. Flora added.

“Please Jenna? If you don’t do it for us, do it for the school. We really need this money.” Carrie pleaded.

“Alright. I’ll do it.”

“Good. Now let’s get you dolled up dear.” Ms. Flora and a few other students ushered me to the dressing room.

“Jenna’s back!” Annie yelled.

Students cheered and whistled as I past.

“What’s going on? I haven’t!” Ari seethed. “ What is SHE doing here?!”

“She’s here to take back her spot in the performance.” ANnie smirked.

“She can’t do that! She’s banned!” Ari was super mad now.

“Technically Jenna was only banned because she was thought to have been in charge of the break-in. Since she isn’t, she’s allowed back.” Ms. Flora countered.

“But, I- she just can’t-”

“I believe the correct words are, a bu-bye.” Annie waved.

Ari screamed in rage and ran out.

“You ready?” Carrie asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I mumbled.


Patrick’s POV:

We running so late to the Festival. Traffic had been bad all over Rodeo, and nothing was moving.

“We’re never gonna make it!” I banged my head on the headrest.

“Yes we will. We just gotta turn this corner and we’ll be there.” Pete assured me.

“Just gotta text from Annie. Jenna’s there, and they’re up next to perform.” Terry said.

“Fuuuuccckkk.” Joe was shaking his leg.

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