Part 11

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3rd POV:

He thumbed the numbers on the screen. He waited outside a motel room on the other side of town for the man to answer the phone.

"Hello?" an oil slick voice said.

"Hey, it's me."

"Ah, I was wondering when you were going to call." Mr. Darian greeted. "Did you follow my orders?"



"They took her to the museum personally, after giving her a tour of LA." He exclaimed.

"Interesting. Seems they've proven rather persistent than I thought." his voice trailed off.

"Sir, how are these tasks helping Jenna?" he asked.

"It's more about showing her the type of lifestyle she's apart of. Besides, the less you know, the better in your case." Darian explained.

"Very well then."

"Now, since its become harder to break apart them from her, it's time I got my hands dirty in all of this." he could feel the smirk of Darian through the phone.

"How are you going to do that?" he said nervously.

"Jenna has surrounded herself with interesting characters of people and while they may seem nice, they all hold a secret inside. And those secrets are the ones that can reveal who her friends and family really are."

"Shall I wait for further instructions, sir?"

"Yes. I'll handle the next phase on my own. Good night." he hung up.

Jenna's POV:

"What was the document, that deported Japanese Americans to internment camps?" Annie asked.

"Executive order 9066." I gloated.

"Damn your good!!" she tossed the flash cards on the table.

Me and Annie sat in the living room studying for our Japanese American history WWII test in class.

"Alright, I'm done with learning for the day." Annie dragged herself off the couch.

she went into the fridge, and pulled out two Pepsi bottles.

"You going to the dance on Saturday?" I asked.

"I'd jump into the fiery pits of hell before I go to school dance."

It was mid December, which meant the winter ball was coming up. Every year girls would go out and by formal gowns to wear, and every year Annie did get best to avoid it.

"You going?"

"I don't know. I have no date." I fiddled with my pencil.

As If on cue, my phone buzzed. It was Myles's number.


"Hey, Jenna?" he asked.

"Hey Myles." I grinned.

"Put him on speaker." Annie mouthed.

"No!" I mouthed back.

"Jenna? You there?"

"Uh yeah, just put the phone down for a minute-"

Annie ripped the phone out of my hands and put it on speaker.

"So what are you doing this fine day?" he rambled.

"Oh y'know. Studying and stuff."

"he's making small talk, that means he wants to ask you something." Annie whispered.

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