Part 15

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Patrick's POV: 

After Christmas and that Crazy New Year's party, things seemed... off. Jenna was fine. She had really enjoyed playing the guitar. Me and Joe would take turns showing her how to play certain cords and rifts. She started making more vegan meals, which Andy was incredibly thankful for, it was just Pete. Something about him changed. He started sulking around the house a bit more, being super nice to Jenna at times, and then would ignore her. He would also be super distracted during tour plans and sound checks. Even coming up behind him made him flinch. It was almost like he was paranoid. I didn't know exactly what he was hiding, but sooner or later he was gonna tell us. Jenna was staying over Annie's house, before going back to school. Joe, Andy, and I were fooling around after rehearsing Miss Missing You for the 5th time. Pete didn't join in on the fun, which worried me. 

"Hey Joe, can you go get me a drink real quick?" I asked.

"Why? I'm not your bartender." Joe huffed.

I gave him that 'I need to be alone with Pete' look. Andy seemed to pick up on that as well.

"Sure, Andy can help me get some too." they closed the door, and it was just me and Pete.

"So, ya think we got it down this time?" i asked Pete.

"What? oh yeah, we're fine." there he was being distracted again.

It was awkward silence for a few minutes.

"Patrick I gotta tell you something." He blurted out.

Finally!  I thought.

"What is it?"

"I to start off first by saying, Jenna's the best She came in, changed our lives, and has been the best mistake you've made."

"Wow, I might actually tear up." I teased. But I knew something wasn't right.

"Look. I need to tell you... I fucked up real big this time." he was genuinely upset.

"What do you mean?"

"It was in Chicago, I wasn't sure if you made the right choice, I was being stupid and selfish and-"

"Pete, what are you talking about?" he was making me nervous.

"I really care about Jenna, she's an amazing kid, none of the stuff we did could've ever been done without her." he rambled on.

"Pete. What did you do?" I wasn't liking where this was going.

"I'm really sorry-"


" I SET JENNA UP!" he finally said.


"When we were in Chicago, I didn't leave Jenna there on accident, I meant to. Jim gave me the idea to get rid of Jenna I went for it. He said that if we could make Jenna hate us, she would want to go back to foster care, and we wouldn't have to be responsible for her. Darien found out, and is blackmailing us to not go the evaluation or he'll tell her everything." He admitted.

I didn't know what to do. My mind was spinning in circles by what he said. A small fraction of my brain was still functioning to punch Pete in his face. I then began tackling him and punching him.


Andy and Joe must've heard me, because next thing I knew I was being peeled off of Pete.

Andy's POV:
There was rarely ever a time when I saw Patrick so ticked off. Well, there was that one time Joe put 2 day old egg salad in his hat, but it wasn't as bad as this. Me and Joe pulled Patrick of Pete. He was still steaming mad, and in all honesty it scared me.
"Patrick calm down. What's wrong with you?" Joe asked.
"HIM!!" Patrick yelled. God that wasn't something you hear everyday.
"He's been trying to get rid of Jenna since day one! And now, its finally caught up to him." Patrick was a little calm. Only a little. 
He explained how Pete purposely ditched Jenna in Chicago, and how he hatched a plan with Jim Slash to get rid of her. I was down right pissed. Why would Pete do something like this? If anything Jenna favored Pete after Patrick  himself. Pete just stood their with a blank expression on his face. Part of me wanted to grab him by his scalp and shove his head down the toilet, but it looked liked it ate him up inside that this was happening. 
"Pete, in honest to god truth... do you truly love and care about Jenna?" I asked him.

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