Part 18

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[A/N: This is it guys! (Not like the end but its huge). This is the climax of Fall Out Girl. This is where shit gets real, and emotions are swirled up in a tornado. I did say forewarning that there was going to be a rape scene in this, Its not exactly graphic, but still upseting so mind your eyes. Also thanks to @iamcrazyiknow for the fantastic comments and feedback on this story. Hope you enjoy!!]


Sometimes Before it gets better,

the darkness gets bigger

The Person that you take a bullet for is behind the trigger


We're fading fast, I Miss Missing You now and then                                             

-Miss Missing You


Jenna's POV:

Me and Myles pretty much made out. All day. After going into the school building (and seeing an ugly shade of red from Ari), me and Myles never left each others side except for class. Even during lunch, I snuggled up to him and kissed his cheek. I just couldn't get over it! So this is what it felt like to have a boyfriend (even though its not official). I wanted to run and tell Annie, until I realized I still was angry with her. It didn't matter because she wasn't at school today. By the end of the day, are hands were entwined for so long they were becoming sweaty.

"I gotta get home." I finally said.

"How about I drive you home?" Myles pushed my hair back.

"Really? Its not that far away. I can walk."

"Yeah but, I don't want you walking home after what's been happening." Myles looked genuinely concerned.

"Okay." I gave in.

Myles pulled out his car keys, and drove me home. I texted Pete saying I didn't need a ride today. It only took us 10 minutes to get there, I didn't wanna leave just yet.

"Thank you for being SO concerned and driving me home." I teased.

"What? I'm seriously worried about your well being. I mean it Jenna. I care about you alot, and I don't want you to get hurt." Myles grasped my arm.

I smirked at what he said, and slow clapped.

"Congratulations! The Oscar goes to  Myles Slash for being the most good looking soppy teenage male!" I announced.

"Very funny. And you called me good looking." He pointed out.

"Yeah. I guess I did." I leaned in and kissed him.

I enjoyed being with Myles. He was honest, sweet, and the most reliable guy ever. I didn't want it to stop... Until 6 giant thuds hit the side of the car. Me and Myles jumped at the sound. I looked out the window, to see egg yolk splattered on the side of the car.

"What the-"

"YOU'VE GOT 60 SECONDS TO GET YOUR ASS!" Joe yelled out the window.

"Really?!" I yelled back.

"59, 58, 57..." Joe counted down.

"Alright! I'm coming!" I yelled.

"Sorry. I gotta go." I turned back to Myles.

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