A Emotional Reunion

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Ash sat in the car with Phil, her head hung low. Phil looked at Ash in the mirror and sighed.

"Ash..." Phil began softly.

Ash looked over at Phil and nodded, "I know...d-don't worry, I'm sure Nana and Dexter will help us...they always do, won't they?"

Phil nodded and breathed in, "Of course, I'm sure Miss Noodleman and Dexter will have something. Don't you worry."

Phil stoped the car and got out, Ash did the same and opened the door, making her way over to the penguin. 

"I could of opened the door for you, Miss Ash," he suggested looking at Ash.

Ash raised an eyebrow before laughing, "Miss? Since when have you called me 'Miss Ash'?" She chuckled walking over to the door.

Phil ran over to the door and opened it for Ash. She couldn't help but laugh, she thanked Phil as she walked in.

Dexter walked over to Ash, "There's someone here to see you."

Ash looked at Phil who shrugged. She walked into the room, followed by Phil close behind before stopping. Her eyes grew wide, tears began forming in the corners of them.

"Long time no see, Ash," Leyton chuckled holding his arms out, Ash ran over to her older brother and hugged him tightly.

"How? H-how are you here?!" She asked through happy tears.

"Well, Nana picked me up. I was originally coming here to surprise you...well at least until I heard what happened with Johnny," he sighed, letting go of his younger sister who looked down at the ground.  "Look, I'm sorry for what happened, Ash."

Ash wiped away her tears and smiled, "N-no, it's fine, Leyton. I'm just glad you're here. That's all," she chuckled, which made Leyton smile.

Phil walked over to Nana and Dexter who stood side by side having a brief conversation.

"Miss Noodleman, Dexter," Phil addressed the two animals as they looked down at him. "Ash and I have been talking about getting Johnny out of jail-"

"Phil, that's impossible! You heard the court! Nana didn't have enough to get him out!" Dexter shouted, his eyebrows in a frown.

"That's because that good for nothing Ezra made the judge raise the bail price with bribery!" Nana spat disgustedly.

Phil put a flipper to his chin, "That's it! Miss Noodleman! You could-"

"Not now, Phil." Nana shouted walking away.

"Nana and I are off to play chess!" Dexter announced happily, running after Nana. Phil face palmed himself before rushing after the two older animals.

Ash sat beside Leyton, a big, bright smile lay flat on her face. "I still can't believe your here!"

 Leyton laughed before shaking his head, "Surprisingly, mom and dad didn't pick me up, when I got the call from Miss Noodleman, I was quite shocked to be honest." 

Ash frowned and faced Leyton, "Mom and dad..." Ash mumbled, lowering her head "I couldn't believe them, Leyton...they told me that Johnny might'nt be the one for me..."

"That's mom and dad for you, thats one thing that they worried about. They worried about you because they thought that you'd end up dating a delinquent which....I don't think Johnny is," Leyton admitted confusedly.

"Johnny is anything but mean, Ley. He's one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet," she sighed, thinking of Johnny once more.

"Well, from what I've heard of Johnny...he sounds alright. If anything, I approve of him for you little sis. Unless he hurts you! Then there'll be serious-"

Ash laughed before punching Leyton in the arm, "I think we get the picture here. Don't worry Leyton. He wont. Well, as long as your around."

The two laughed as they smiled. They both continued to talk, sharing old and new memories. Leyton let out a happy sigh as he hugged his younger sister tightly, glad that he was finally back with her.

A Few Hours Later

Phil sat down beside Nana and Dexter, his head planted on the table "It's midnight and you're both still playing chess?!"

 "Shush! I would've won if you hadn't shouted you black bafoon!" Dexter shouted death staring Phil.

Nana smiled as she looked at the score,"Hmm, that's 1,000 for me and...500 for you." 

Dexter sighed and shook his head, "I don't know why I even bother anymore..."

"Miss Noodleman, Dexter. Do the two of you have a minute? I need to talk to the both of you, it's a very important matter..." Phil sighed looking at the sheep and ape.

Nana and Dexter looked at eachother before nodding, "Sure, what is it?" Nana asked curiously.

"It's about Johnny...I know that we failed to get him out the first time, but we could try again! I-"

"Absouletly not! We tried once and failed...if we try again...what if we fail again?!" Dexter shouted as he slammed his hand on the table.

"Wait! Phil may have a point...there's a possible way we could try...it's worth a shot!" Nana cheered as she grabbed her phone.

Dexter shook his head and sighed, "And what's your brilliant plan, Phil?"

"Well I had an idea that we could call the judge, reorganise a court date, maybe offer the judge some cash to let Johnny free and-" Phil began before being cut off by Nana.

"That's it! My idea is to call the judge, reoragnise a court date, bribe the judge with some cash and get Johnny out! Aren't I smart?!" Nana laughed as she dialled a number in her phone.

Phil sighed and looked at Dexter "Nana always manages to steal my plans...doesn't she?"

Dexter smiled, "Phil...I agree with you now, I know I didn't at the start but...I've had a change of heart. Let's do this!"

"Should I tell Ash and Leyton the fantastic news?" Phil asked walking towards the door, Dexter nodded and picked up the chess pieces that had fell on the ground.

Phil walked over to Ash and Leyton. The pair sat on the couch laughing, "Ash, Ley-"

"IT'S BEEN APPROVED!! WE'RE DOIN IT TOMORROW MORNING AT 10! WOOHOO!" Nana shouted from the next room over.

"Approved? What's been approved?" Ash asked standing up.

"We're bringing Johnny home," Phil announced happily.

Ash's eyes grew wide, she turned around and hugged Leyton happily, "I-I...can't believe it! Johnny's...coming home!"

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