The Fear Of Falling Apart

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*Ash's POV*

"I didn't even sleep last night...I miss Johnny too's heartbreaking he's with me..." I thought to myself, miserably as I put my shoes on. "Everything's gone down parents want nothing to do with me, Johnny's in jail..." Sighing, I shook my head and stood up. "Ash, ready to go?" Dexter asked, gently knocking on the door "Y-yeah..." I sniffled, wiping my eyes. Dexter opened the door and peered down at me, sighing he gave me a hug.

"He's just like Johnny..."

Nana hurried over to Ash and Dexter "Ready to go you two?" She asked, looking over at Phil who stood at the door, waiting for the three animals.

"Yep! We're ready Nana, come on Ash." Dexter murmured confidently, looking at the female porcupine.

Nodding, she followed Dexter, Nana and Phil out the door and over too the car. A smile on Nana and Dexter's faces while a huge, sad expression lay flat on Ash's, Phil sighed softly before opening the car door for the three animals who got in one by one. Opening the drivers door, Phil hopped in and shut the door. Before peering back at the three animals who sat in the back seat. He too was feeling sad, he wanted to get Johnny back as much as they wanted.

A few minutes pass and they get to the court

All four animals got out of the car and looked at each other, all exchanging glances before heading towards the court building, Dexter put a hand on Ash's shoulder as the two walked side by side. She slowly looked up at Dexter before smiling slightly.

"It'll be alright, Ash...we'll get him back, just have hope," he murmured gently, Ash nodded before looking at the door before them.

"Let's go in," Nana sighed as Phil opened the door for himself and the other three animals, they all took a deep breath in before slowly making their way inside the court.

A Few hours pass

*Ash's POV*

"It's been three far, nothing. All we've gotten is shouts and complaints, like seriously. I never knew people could be so childish, I wonder how this judge even made it into court school, she's not very good at her job...I'll admit that," I thought as I rolled my eyes, I watched the judge as she stood up, anger in her eyes.

Shaking her head, she hit the hammer down and glared at everyone, "Silence in my courtroom! Or you can go wait outside!" She hissed, silencing the out of control crowd, slowly everybody sat back down without any argument. That's when he came out.


I wanted to run over to him and give him a big hug, only...something was wrong with him. He wasn't his cheery self, his face was covered in sorrow, gloom and...fear? Every inch of him looked different, he didn't look at any of us, just down at the ground, Chief Ezra stood behind him with a huge grin on his face, I peered at Dexter who was too focused on the judge. Turning around I looked at Phil who sat on the other side of me.

"Phil...look at Johnny..." I whispered to him.

"You think he'd be happy that we're trying to bail him out?" He whispered back to me as he raised an eyebrow.

 "Something doesn't seem right though..." I whispered back, looking at the judge strangely.

"And do you have enough money for the bail, Miss Noodleman?" The judge asked in a stern voice.

Nana stood up and nodded. "Of course I do."

The judge looked at Chief Ezra who gave her the same look. "We cannot let a serial killer back on the streets-" before the judge had a chance to finish, I jumped up.

"Johnny is not a serial killer!" I shouted, Johnny looked up over at me, his face still remained the same.

"Just because he has killed one person just not make him a serial killer!" I yelled furiously.

Chief Ezra let out a loud laugh "Look Ashley-"

"Don't 'Ashley' me Ezra!" I yelled once again.

The judge shook her head and hit the wooden hammer down on the desk. "Because of your rudeness, he's not going anyway! Johnny is here by GUILTY!" She shouted.

Chief Ezra smiled at me, Nana and Dexter as he and two other cops took Johnny away, his head remain low, his face lifeless as ever. I shook her head

"No!" I shouted as I ran toward Chief Ezra and Johnny.

Dexter ran after me and picked me up "What?! Dexter! Let me go! They can't take him away!" I shouted squirming.

"Ash there's nothing we can do..." he sighed disappointedly.

I shook my head in disbelief "No! We can!"

Nana looked at Dexter "Let's go Dexter," Nana said disappointedly, Dexter nodded and walked out with Nana and Phil holding an angry, upset me.

A few days pass

Ash sat a table, happy but sad. She was finally able to see Johnny, not face to face with glass seperating them, actual face to face with nothing seperating them what so ever. Ash looked around for Johnny, there was no sign of him so far. Sighing,  she kept looking around for him when she spotted him talking to Chief Ezra. A frown lay flat on Chief Ezra's brows. Johnny nodded and walked over to Ash, looking miserable as ever. Ash stood up and looked at him, he walked over to her and looked down at her sadly.

"Johnny...what did they do to you?!" She asked horrified, her eyes peering up at Johnny.

Johnny bent down and hugged Ash. "I-I don't...just know that you..."

"Johnny! Let's go!" Chief Ezra hissed as he watched the gorilla walked back to him.

 Ash walked over to Phil, her head low.

"What's wrong...?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry Phil, we'll get him out. Just they wait," Ash told Phil confidently, as they both of walked out of the prison.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now