What Have You Done?

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-A few months have passed-

Johnny sat in his truck, gripping the steering wheel in anger as thoughts flooded through his mind "It has to be done..." He muttered to himself under his breath "I need to do this...for Ash...I just hope I'm making the right choice..." Johnny sighed before sitting up straight and looking at his phone. Putting his phone in his pocket, Johnny started the truck and took a deep breath in. "Here goes nothing..."Johnny thought to himself. Gripping the steering wheel, Johnny drove off.

~Few minutes later~

*Johnny's POV*

It was time. I sat forward, looking around for my target. He was no where to be found, checking my phone once more I scratched the back of my head in confusion "Surely he should be here...this is where they usually go every night to preform...unless he decided they weren't gonna do it tonight...darn it!" I thought to myself irritated. That's when it hit me. There he was, I had to get him. But there was no way, out in the public? No way." Luckily I know where he walks...I'll cut him off at Drovers Street. Hardly anyone lives around there. It's the perfect place." I thought to myself, nodding I started the truck up again and prepared to start moving once again.

~Few more minutes later~

*Johnny's POV*

"It's all going according to plan, there he is..." I thought to myself as I gripped onto the item that lay tightly grasped in my hand. Slowly I moved forward, creeping out of the bush I sneaked up behind "Oh, if it isn't Lance. Fancy seeing you here now isn't." I chucked, Lance turned around and looked at me "What the hell are you doing here monkey-" that's when it happened. I couldn't stop myself...it just happened. Before Lance could finish talking. That's when I did it. I stabbed Lance straight in the chest. His eyes remain open, full of shock. His limp body fell on the ground right in front of me. Moving away quickly, my own eyes grew with horror. What had I just done?!

A scream came from behind me, turning around I saw Becky standing there, rooted in the ground, her eyes forming tears. Backing away, I darted towards the bush. "LANCE!" Becky's loud shriek rang through my ears. It was starting. The sound of sirens rang through my ears. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. "He went this way!" a voice shouted, I couldn't put my finger on it but the voice sounded awfully familiar. "I have to loose them! But how!" I thought to myself as I began panicking, looking around I saw an opening which lead to even more bushland, I could loose them in there. That's where I headed.

The voices behind me grew fainter, I slowed down a bit. That's when I tripped over a log, silly me didn't think to look down. Getting up quickly I groaned loudly in pain "Holy! My ankle!" I screamed loudly. Now that was probably the most stupidest thing to do in a situation like this "He's over here!" that same voice shouted, the sound of crunching leaves rang through my ears. "Dang it! Time to get going! " I thought terrified and began running once again, pain shooting up my leg. I bit my lip in pain but continued running. "I've got to get back to my truck, that's the only way I'm going to be able to get away from these cops." I muttered under my breath. "Luckily I know this bushland like the back of my hand, my truck should just be through these trees." I thought as I ran through a couple of trees and straight towards my truck. Without hesitation, I ran over to it and opened the door, got in and shut the door and started the car. As I started the car I sighed to myself "How am I ever gonna tell Ash..." I whispered softly before I sped off in my truck.

~A few minutes later~

Ash slept in bed, peacefully asleep. Johnny burst through the door and walked over to her. "Ash get up! We've gotta go, now!" Johnny shouted as he shook Ash, Ash groaned and rubbed her eyes "Johnny? W-what time is it?' Ash yawned "That's not the point Ash! Grab whatever you can and hurry get ready to go! Because we're leaving!" Johnny shouted, once again as he picked up a bag "W-why...?" Ash questioned tilting her head "Just do as I say!" Johnny ordered as he gave Ash a stern look which made her cringe.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now