Everyone Snaps.

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*Johnny's POV*

It was happening again. Police sirens screaming, the sound of a girl crying loudly and the sound of a gun shot. I looked around, trees absolutely everywhere! The darkness closing in. "He went this way!" the voice of a police man yelled. Quickly, I began to run. I've never seen this forest before, yet alone know where I'm going! I've never run so fast in my life, my legs where beginning to ache from the speed I was running at. That's when it happened. It got so dark I couldn't even see where I was going or where I was. All I knew is that I was running and nothing was going to stop me. All of a sudden, I tripped. As I sat up I groaned in pain "I've twisted my flipping ankle!" I blurted out but soon covered my mouth "He's over here!" another voice called. I didn't hang around to find out who else was there. Using all my strength, I got up and began to run again. Which was probably a horrible idea, but I still did it. And as always, that's where it ends.

Sitting up quickly, Johnny screamed, fear rushing through his body. Ash sat up as quickly as she could and looked at Johnny "J-Johnny?!" Ash looked at him, her eyes full of tears "It happened again...didn't it?" Ash spoke softly as she looked at Johnny. Johnny shook his head and got out of bed "Just leave me alone Ash..." He mumbled as he walked out of the room. Sighing, Ash got out of bed and followed him "Johnny, what happened?" Ash asked "Geez, I don't know Ash? What do you think happened? What happens every night? Well yeah! Your right, congratulation for figuring out what's wrong with me! What do you wish to achieve from that?! Do you want a metal or something?!" Johnny shouted, Ash looked at him, a frown growing on her face "Johnny-" "No! Don't 'Johnny' me Ash!" Johnny laughed angrily as he shook his head "I'm sick of your 'Johnny' all the time, it's beyond a freaking joke now!" Johnny spat as he walked away from Ash "IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME, SAY IT TO MY FACE INSTEAD OF BEING A COWARD AND RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!" Ash shouted, tears pouring down her cheeks. Johnny stopped and lowered his head, anger rushing through his body. He punched a wall which made Ash back away, he turned around and faced her "Say something to you? Running away from my problems? How dare you...HOW DARE YOU!" Johnny shouted angrily as he walked towards Ash, who held her phone behind her back. Johnny shook his head "WHAT THE HECK ASH?! WHY MUST YOU BE SO STUBBORN ALL THE TIME?!" Johnny screamed. Ash gulped in fear as Johnny picked her up "YO DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH SUFFERING I'VE HAD TO DEAL WITH! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO GROW UP WITHOUT A MOTHER!" Johnny's anger grew more as he shouted which resulted him in throwing Ash across the room. Ash let out a painful scream. Johnny lowered his head, hands on his head, his eyes wide.

Johnny ran over to Ash before stopping, his eyes full of tears. Ash struggled to sit up, her hand on her ankle "God!" She screamed as she managed to get sit up, her eyes growing wide as she saw her ankle. Blood pouring out, Johnny put his hands over his mouth and lowered his head "A-Ash....I-I'm so..sorry..." Johnny sobbed.

The Fear Of Falling Apart (Sing! Fanfiction) Johnny x Ash.Where stories live. Discover now